okay, so i'm talking with a guy about a possible deal and i need any input because this is so far outside my realm of experience... we're talking tradsies on a 1968 thunderbird 'convertible' parade car. he'll put his hands on it IF i'll trade him...the owner has committed to letting him have it if he wants it. he doesnt know any more about the thing than i do but from what i gathered its a 4 door landau (he said it had suicide doors which makes it a four door) but he said its a 'convertible'....they didnt make a tbird conv in 68. he said he wasnt sure if it was a roadster or removable hard top, but that the rear upper body section was fitted with a cover or finish bodywork...any idea what the standard fare was for this type of deal....we do know that the car was in the tournament of roses parade and was owned by a well to do fellow from pasadena who has now passed on and the widow just 'wants it out of the garage'... could a 'parade car' be ordered from the factory in 68? if not, would a 'parade car' conversion add or subtract from the value of the car?? i know this is kind of a stretch, but i iwant to arm myself with as much info as i can before i go in too deep with this guy. thanks!
From what I know, which isn't much, a Parade car is just a car that people put in parades.... I had a '69 Olds 98 Conv. It was my parade car. The are just ordanary big ass cars.
No such thing as a "parade car" option, don't let the guy fool 'ya. That's a '68 t-bird moredoor with the roof hacked off. People did that a lot.. The only "parade" anything I've heard of for cars were big bumpers w/grab handles for FBI guys on Presidential limo's, and "parade boots" which are hard tonnaeu type covers that go over the convertible top when it's folded down so people can sit on them. That car would be pretty worthless, so be careful... Hope this helps a little! TinyE
yep, that helps alot... he's going to look at the car agin in a week or so to find out the story with the top...he said he didnt see any sort of top in the garage which was kind of a tip off...the guy is a good friend of mine so i know he's not trying to run me...he knows about as much about tbirds as i do... i'm gonna keep combing...
This is true, I can put you onto several "parade" cars that were done this way by car dealerships and social organizations (shriners comes to mind). Those 4dr T-birds weren't worth much when they new, so you could probably find a real nice one cheap.
Parade cars are just that. They are cars that have had the tops removed for fair weather cruising and mostly parades. I bought a '62 Coupe de Ville that had, had the rear window removed in preparation for this modification, got it in time. I have seen some that were finished jobs that look good, and some that didn't. Usually no provision was made for a top. George
thanks for the input thus far... not that i actually want a 68 fordor tbird mind you, but i figgered if i could turn it for a profit it might be neat to have for a couple of months...looks like it aint worth the hassle...guess i'll just get to workin on mine...
I was about to ask you if it was your first car or something, if for some reason you had a soft spot for what is arguably one of the least flattering Thunderbirds since the latest model!
Now this is a parade car. And it could be yours if the price is right! It used to say Embry Chevrolet Tipton, Missouri on the front doors. It could not be used in Kansas, Nebraska, or Iowa due to the weight load of the homecoming queens however.
My uncle is restoring a "parade car" for a budwiser exec's ex-wife. The options were from the factory but it is a corvette. It came with a factory deleted hardtop, painted white and red with some wierd other options. The strangest thing is the lack of a removable hardtop from the factory on a convertible.
Parade cars usually mean its good for parades, had a roof and it was cut off. its a sunny weather only car. they have no value (99% of the time) unless they are a 2 door , pre 50's and a carson style top can be added.