still debating on whether to tear into my fleetline or buy something that's already running, but in the mean time, i came to the conclusion that i really dont like the stock dash. 51-52, yes, 53-54, definitely. but the 49-50 dash leaves something to be desired in my opinion. any pics of custom dash treatments or modifications for this one? thanks.
I'm just the opposite! Don't care much for my 51 dash, but like the 49-50's. I dig the one giant speedo gauge.
actually what i don't like is the deluxe dash, which is what i have. i like the simplicity of the standard dash. the deluxe dash has all the extra knobs and such for the ventilation. the clock however is a pretty nice piece. the more i think about it, i think filling the areas on the sides of the center grille might be the way to go. but i'd still like to see anything that has been done to modify these dashboards.