for real this time. I fat fingered the settings in my original post, the photos were going to be fuggled, and could not delete it. So sue me. Went over to Winston Salem today for Heavy Rebel Weekender. It was about as HOT as I've seen. Ran into DRuss and TomT from Virginia, bought a cool shirt from Jeffrey James and cut out early; just too damn hot. Here are the pics... Far and away the coolist car there was this little lakester...
The lakester is a HAMB build. Look it up. Jeff's handle is sailingadventure. The pics don't do it justice, however.
I would agree, that thing is tits...hard to photograph properly in an urban street, car show setting. It needs to be photographed at Bonneville or Muroc, or in a shop setting.
Nice coverage of a scorching hot day. Thanks man for making it out and documenting it. We had a great time. BloodyKnuckles
Thanks, Tom. Once again the ol' Seadog doesn't disappoint. So how hot was it??? 104 outside my shop in Richmond.
Looks like a bitchin good time. Nice snapshots. Gonna talk to the club about attending next year. Hot as it was, gotta be better than the scorching temps we got here in FLA. Rain and thunderstorms all the time, as well. Once again, the builds seem to be getting better. The Tanker is over the top. So nice of him to bring it. We need a "center peice" like that for the next Groundhog Gala. JT Orlando Misfires C.C.
Could not stop staring at this "junior jalopy" Way cool, with the skateboard and cooler. Wish I had that kind of time. JT
Good talking with you at the show, seadog - it sure was a hot one! Thanks for the pics seadog and hotrodwillie ....
A good friend of my bought these great shirts from a guy at the show. Does anybody know were I can buy my own. Thanks for all the help.
I updated & added some pics to the SmugMug site and in so doing it scrambled the links that I had placed in the original post. It's a pain to manually go in and relink everything. Here is a link to the entire gallery as it now exists with a few new shots and some additional tweaking of some in Lightroom... -Tom
Here is a link to my Heavy Rebel albom on Photobucket. About 80 pics. Rebel 2012/ My coupe and my buddy Corey's sedan at Heavy Rebel after the 4 hour drive from Columbia, SC.