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Projects 1927 model T roadster build " Sweet Tea"

Discussion in 'Traditional Hot Rods' started by flyin flattie, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    Hey how have you all been. I have not been on here in a long long long long time. As most of you know I am not the best at spelling so bear with me here.

    The story of " Sweet Tea" so far

    The body of the T is actually an interesting story in its self. I have been playing guitar for about 14 years now ( started when I was 7. im 21 now) and I was very good friends with a local blues musician by the name of Johnny nitro. I am sure most Blues fans have heard of this amazing musician because quite frankly he was a bad ass at playin the blues. any ways, I knew he had quite a few car bodys ( never knew the extent of it all ) but I had an idea of how many bodys and car parts he had. So I asked him one day at a show if he had any roadster bodys around his house, I told him not a 32 because I cant afford that but anything els would be a great start. long story short he told me no he had no roadsters around but plenty of coupes. Well a couple years passed and sadly enough the blues musician passed in his sleep one night and a couple good friends of mine became in charge of everything he had in his back yard. So I helped them all out by moving bodys and just helping in any way we could.
    Finally I we get to where I find the car. We where pulling model A fenders and running boards and damn near anything that you can think of out of this shed and wouldn't you know it the T was sitting in the back corner on its fire wall. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. We instantly struck a deal and threw it in the back of my truck. It was everything less a turtle deck and deck lid. So I made a shelf in my dads shop and sat on it for about a year.

    That year was a little stress full and I had quite a few things happen ( good and bad) and I just didnt have time for the little T. then threw looking for a motorcycle I was talking to a great friend on hear Dave Redbeard. He was asking me what I was looking for other than a motorcycle and I said I was trying to peace a 27 together but I wanted 32 rails. He said he had a set that had been sitting in his shed for a few years and no one was using them. So on easter sunday my dad and I went up and purchased them and plenty of other nick nacks to get this thing started. I found a tutle deck at the Sacramento swap meet and the rest is just stuff that friends and my boss Matt Seret have given me or sold me.
    Before anything els id like to thank every one so far for the help
    My Dad Bill
    Matt Seret
    Scott strictland
    Dave redbeard
    my nabor herk
    and especialy my car club friends
    Brandon flaner
    and Aaron grospec

    and hear we go

    this is me mocking it up trying to get my bearings on where and what it will look like


    I love mock up stages there is just something about what it can look like that gets me going.

    ok this is where it starts to happen. I put the frame up on are table. its perfect for a jig table so why not. In all honesty I just started from the front and worked my way back to make it fit. My dad and I made a template of the body and cut it out and started fitting it

    and this is my first idea of how it should look. it looked as if it was heading in that direction. so no reason to stop here.

    I found a spring at the swap meet. kinda like a mustache so why not

    me heating up the boxing plates for the back to help strengthen up all that I cut.

    my pops helped me out one day I was at work he decided to sand blast the frame!!!!! gosh what a great dad.

    finally got it on the frame

    then I got the body to fit better

    and then my boss Matt gave me a axle and I was able to peace a front end together.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2014
    BigDTexasKid likes this.
  2. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    and that spring I got at the swap meet worked well on the back of a nice little model A rear end that I got from a friend of mine. seems as if it was all ment to be.

    then I started thinking a little on what to do for a dash. I had a 34 chevy dash laying around so why not try and make it fit.

    and finally I got a motor and trans to mock this thing up. thanks to Brandon for the mock up motor.

    hammer head?


    and finally this is how she is so far. ill keep you all updated when I get some more done. hope you all enjoyed all the crap ive been doing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2014
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  3. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    random side note but Brandon and I finally got are tattoos we have been talking about for ever also

    and his
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 1, 2014
  4. JGore99
    Joined: Apr 12, 2010
    Posts: 48


    saw you posted the link on tumblr. cool story and good looking start man! I'm looking forward to seeing more. I like where you are going with it!
  5. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    thanks. im hopping to drive it out or my chevy out to GA some day soon I have some great family and friends out there and I would love to make a road trip out of it.
  6. I do like where this build is going, got the look and all thats good. JW
  7. gnichols
    Joined: Mar 6, 2008
    Posts: 11,383

    from Tampa, FL

    Nice start. Where is the dash from? Gary

    Nevermind... missed that in the pix section.
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2012
  8. oj
    Joined: Jul 27, 2008
    Posts: 6,520


    That is a great little body, even has working doors! I am hung up on remaking the doors on mine so allow me this moment of envy.
    That tat looks like it is in a tender spot!
  9. Hoptup Jalop
    Joined: Sep 29, 2004
    Posts: 1,118

    Hoptup Jalop

  10. I like what you're doing with your T....Why don't you make it a complete T and use a T radiator shell?...Everybody building these always use a 32 shell...Is there any particular reason for this ?...Is it all you've got ?...or are the 32 shells more plentiful ?...I've always wondered...don't get me wrong..The 32 shell looks good, but I think maybe a T shell would be more appropriate ?...Either way, you guya are doing a great build...I love the Flathead.
  11. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    thanks all. I am not running a T shell because it wouldnt look right to me. the car is on 32 rails and quite frankly a 32 is a lot better designed then a T and those grills are georgouse. its like comparing a chick with a pancake butt and nothing going for her to a girl with every aspect.

    oh and the dash is a 34 chevy dash thats been cut down in every way
  12. FivesDaddy
    Joined: Feb 7, 2005
    Posts: 64


    I like what I'm seeing...keep it going...nice start...
  13. Southfork
    Joined: Dec 15, 2001
    Posts: 1,465


    Looking good. Did you cut the rear of the 32 frame rails off more to get the body to fit well? What tranny are you putting behind the Flatty? Is the steering Ford F1 pickup?
  14. seret
    Joined: Apr 28, 2008
    Posts: 539


    LOOKIN GOOD! thats a nice dent on the turtle deck. you need to bring that thing to work next week.
  15. Angry Frenchman
    Joined: Feb 12, 2006
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    Angry Frenchman

  16. Don's Hot Rods
    Joined: Oct 7, 2005
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    Don's Hot Rods
    from florida

    A 27 on a deuce frame always looks like they belong together, and I agree the deuce grille shell is bitchin'. (I am probably biased, I used one on my 27 too. :))

    I am like you, I like the mockup stage the best of the whole build.........pile up some parts so it looks like a car and sit back with a cold beer. THAT is living ! :D

  17. KustomCars
    Joined: Jul 31, 2011
    Posts: 3,542

    from Minnesota

    Love it! Keep it up!
  18. lasctchance
    Joined: Sep 11, 2005
    Posts: 65

    from Oakley, ca

    Cool dune buggy, i hope we can take it to the nsra meet after you paint it plum crazy purple. Ps this roadster is the shit! I couldn't be more stoked for you!
  19. redbeard
    Joined: Nov 18, 2002
    Posts: 714


    For how little I am on here, I am glad I stumbled on your build.

    Glad to see how it is coming together. Nice work.

    looks like the frame went to a good home.

    If you hurry you can drive it on the next run :0

    maybe I'll see you guys on Sat? in Antioch?

    Oh and my last name is not redbeard, it's Badadooda
  20. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    fuckin Badadooda. yeah ill see you tomorrow Dave.

    thank you all for the words of encouragement, im having a great time building this thing its amazing how well everything goes together when you use all ford stuff.
  21. 60galaxieJJ
    Joined: Dec 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,525


    cant wait to see more! nice club tats too!
  22. stephane-rod
    Joined: Jul 16, 2007
    Posts: 208

    from france

  23. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
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    Member Emeritus

    '27 T roadster, '32 grille on a '32 frame..................Henry should have put that combo together. thank goodness he did produce the rodders took care of the rest. I'll be watching this one go together.

    volvobrynk likes this.
  24. I'll be looking in.. looks GREAT. I've always loved these cars.
  25. [​IMG]

    It looks like your waiting for the cop to get out of sight so you can smoke the tires!
    Like the dash too!! Todd
  26. Dennis Lacy
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 1,393

    Dennis Lacy

    Very cool project! You're a very lucky guy to be able to build a car like this at 21 years old. I was 25 when I started building my '27 on '32 rails back in spring of '95.

    I dig the way you laid out the frame to fit the body just right. They get pretty narrow up front when pinched to fit a '27 body. I ended up spreading my rails at the firewall to make the tips of the horns 2" farther apart and things are still pretty tight.

    Here's a hint: do yourself a favor and get rid of the stock floor board supports and rework the floor with a steeper toe panel to gain almost a foot of heel room. I don't know how these guys who use the stock floor angle can stand to drive these cars for more than 5 minutes because it became immeadiately obvious when I was building mine that it would be terribly uncomfortable. Here's a pick below of how I did mine. Look close and you can see the outline of where the stock floor supports used to be on the subframe.


    By doing it this way your heel is free to pivot your foot on the pedals instead of having to raise your whole foot and leg. It also frees up more room for pedal travel, I wouldn't want there to be any less.
    joep4567 likes this.
  27. That footboard mod is the way to go on a "T".
  28. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    oh very cool I like that foot board trick. im actually going to drop the seat in between the frame rails so I dont look like a dummy with my head a mile high ( since im six one). hopfully it all works, its looking like it.
  29. flyin flattie
    Joined: Oct 13, 2005
    Posts: 602

    flyin flattie
    from Redmond OR

    and thank you all for your kind words
  30. Anxious to see this come together as I'm starting a '27 T myself soon. Keep up the good work.

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