I found this old drag car in a wrecking yard in New Mexico. I have no idea what it is but it sure looks cool. If I can find the owner, I might try to buy it and put it back together.....
The roll cage vaguely rings a bell. Modified roadster from the early 60s. But if I was anywhere near there I'd be on it in a flash! Too cool!
Looks like an early '20's Chevrolet cowl/doors, and a '23-'35 T turtle deck. And if you can't snag the whole thing, the decklid would be helpful
The sports car is an Austin Healy. The first car is a conglomerate would have run modified roasdster or Altered at some point. Center steer I lean toward Altered. It is a shame that the healy doesn't have front sheet metal. I would love to have either to play with.
That first one apppears to be someone's budget body dragster. Someone ought to save that rear deck,....it appears to be Model T. 4TTRUK
I'd save that turtle deck for sure.. Sucks they welded it to the roll bar the way they did but those things are real desirable.
I thought just yesterday there was a thread, someone looking for where to buy a turtle deck? The Austin Healy makes for a great V-8 recipient. A poor mans AC Cobra. There is a excellent and informative web site with just V8 conversions into old Brittish cars, just do a google search if you are interested.
definitely early drag car. the suicide frame and driver position over the rear axle give it away. the cage looks like a homemade rendition of a Chassis Research frame.
Here's a picture of the car in it's heyday. I've looked at that car up close, the owner is a friend of mine. Yeah, an old drag car and I do believe the body is a Dodge. Rumered to be the Iron Brogan (pretty well known car from here from the late 50's) but I can't verify it. Looks to be the same with a different roll bar. Still preety cool. I imagine he would sell it but he's generally preety proud of his stuff. The Austin Healy must be a newer addition, I don't remember seeing it last time I was there, been a couple years. He has (or had) quite the stash of 40's/ 50's cars and trucks down the hill out of sight of the highway!
Talked to the owner today and the cars are for sale but not for cheap. I did comfirm the roadster is indeed the Iron Brogan (both cars in my above post are the same car and the op pics). Kinda sad for a one time NHRA record holder. I was told the Healey had a CE straight axle up front, a solid mounted 55 Chevy rear and a 409 in it. Also had a fiberglass nose. To bad all of that is gone, just the shell and frame left.
Ouch! $2500.00 for the roadster? That's about $1500.00 too much even with the history. Too bad, that would make for a great restoration.
The Healey was also a drag car, as opposed to a road racer, note the push bar. Probably already set up for the V8. Worth grabbing.
You can always offer less. $2500 doesn't seem that crazy, if you can find me a dozen of them for sale for $1000 let me know so I can buy and flip all of them for some price inbewteen. It's not 1985 anymore.