Running fenderwell headers on my 55 Chevy with a big block... I know these headers stick our loud and proudly how are you guys routing the rest of the exhaust? Pics please Doesn't have to be a tri five just trying to get ideas. Thanks
I extended my header down and rearward on my 55. I installed spiral baffles in the pipes, about 12" long. I'm trying to get away from installing an exhaust system therefore taking the easy way out. Haven't fired up the car yet but it's a SBC and I think it'll be noisy. It's dark outside so can't take any pictures.
Not a '55, but I cut in a 2nd collector flange in the inside edge of my fenderwells to bolt on the exhaust system that is under the car. Please excuse the fuzzy pic, I'm no photographer!
Not fenderwells, but similar. Here's what i did... I have an insert with a "tongue" that goes up inside to seal off the rest of the exhaust when the headers are open, making the collectors more efficient. When i spray real heavy, i get some cool flames from the collectors. Downside is that the headers blow dust everywhere when you are idling around in a parking lot.
Here is how I am doing my 55 with sbc. I made my 3" diameter collectors 4'' longer with a collector ring on each end of the extension and bolted it on to existing collector. Then I tapped in a length of 2" diameter exhaust pipe which I angled some what forward and then back, to get around the frame for more ground clearance. From that point on it will go to back of car taking original route. I bought a "U" shaped piece of exhaust pipe from Speedway Motors and cut it in half to curve around car frame. I will make a bolt on cap for bottom collector ring. I will paint flat black so it will be less noticeable.
OKKK. Im seeing it now. Thanks guys. Yea on mine they drop pretty close to the ground, so i was worried about hanging too low. I'd also LOVE to use um with a dump setup too. I'm wondering how to do it like weedburners, So i can uncap um. But i dont have a tube notcher??? Is there another way? Man weedburners look bitchin!!! Ill was thinking about something like suade 41's, looks easy enough for me to do. Maybe i can take a picture to an exhaust shop and have them do it? I know all about it, We already named mine "Street sweeper" lol. Cleans up the shop road pretty good
I also did kind of the same thing on my Henry J only these slip over the collector and hang down a bit further
My header's were old drag items with no collector flanges, so i extended them down and made flanges and caps for them. Then used 2.5" mandrel bends to route it back under the frame, but made flanges there too to bolt to the under car section. Then on to another mandrel bend routing them parallel with the frame. The rest of the exhaust is just simple straight pipe's and muffler's to the rear end..never finished tails for it. It was extremely simple, and worked perfectly. Tony
Hmmmm. Could probally do something like that as a cheapie stand-in till i buck up for good shit. planning on 3'' duals, going to dual thrush chamber mufflers. most likely side exit infront of the back wheels. Its 11.5/1 compression, so im thinking it will sound good and rattle some windows.
That's where the exit on the truck was too
It should pretty much be the same thing. You can see what im working with. I'd like the butt-a-pipe at the side of the collector, and use the existing flange for a dump. but im not sure how much i'd actually dump um. The car is VERY loud... Like too loud for the street on open headers (God, I never thought i'd say that ) Good ideas guys, keep it coming it helps alot!!! You know exhaust is one of those "Things" that gotta be perfect Sorry fir the big pics lol
How much do you think this will hurt exhaust flow when running through the mufflers? I want something that will still perform good, even when i don't have time to uncork um. I guess i want steak on a hamburger budget huh? Looks cool!
It *may* effect it a little bit, but i doubt much with large dia pipes. My car has a pretty stout 355 in it with just about 11.5 comp as well, and i can't say it hurt the performance enough to make a difference. At least i can't feel it when i stand on it. Tony
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