I know where there is a Latham (spelling?) blower sitting in a garage, I know the guy and am going to ask about it soon. Anyone ever seen these? anyone run them? Duggan Heads? http://www.ozrodders.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=29653
---------- Wow!Talk about exotica! (or should I say maybe "erotica???- Those heads are pure 'triple-X rated' engine porn!!!) I've never seen a set before, but they are COOL! What with the canted angle that the heads sit on the block and all - and the intake ports designed to bolt directly to Weber IDF carbs, etc - they look *slightly reminiscent* of the Gurney-Weslake small-block Ford heads. But with these Duggan-Chevy heads having such radically canted valve angles and what appears to be a 'semi-hemi' - or very near a "semi-hemi" - style combustion chamber, I'm just speculating, but I'll bet they're probably a bunch better than even the G-W Ford heads! Mart3406 ================
Poking around on the internet, I did find that most of the comments regarding DUGGAN heads were emanating from New Zealand and/or Australia, and the discussions seemed to center on in-lines mostly. There is a guy named Tim Duggan in the south that owns a cylinder head company.
------------------ Yep, I know what you mean. They're just awful things aren't they! If you ever run across a set of them, being the nice, caring and thoughtful guy that I am, Ill take them off your hands and safely dispose of them for you - and not even charge you anything!
Haha! No, not awful- I just built enough of them when I was young, and couldn't afford anything else, that I don't even want to think about them!