The Trip Out was amazing, hard to remember it’s the debut event that’s for sure. Music was a nice mix and a change from the usual rockabilly and how often do you see greasers sat watching modern skateboarders while listening to 80’s speed metal?? A few piccies for you……….more to come. This guy went back with a more permanent reminder!<O</O Go Go Dancers chilling out. The Trip Out Pig Out...Dine Like A Swine....... <O</O <O</O <O</O <O</O
Thanks for posting the images and showing us just what is going on in other parts of the world. Looks like everyone had a cool time and a nice day not to mention those two lovely ladies enjoying the day. Jimbo
Skater dudes put on a cracking show ..<O</O What a front man...Magnum 500. <O></O> The collection of bikes in the show tent was stunning...serious want face! This photo summed it up for me............amazing weather, great atmosphere and people just chilling out.
I was there and it ruled! Customs, hot rods, choppers, bobbers, full throttle rock 'n' roll, killer surf instros,garage punk, 60s dancefloor fillers, very nasty but very effective high octane cider and lots lots more…………. I think my hangover is easing a little now! Roll on next year Paul
Dirty stop out!! I see you managed to bag prime spot for Magnum 500 were right....cracking band mate!!
THAT looks like a fun time. Some really nice bikes great photography and a good sized mini ramp what's not to like? nice job. Rome
The Trip Out was great and looks like it will become the British Born Free. I shot a bunch of photos which you can see on my Flickr site -
We had a ball at the trip out, & were digging the scene, won best car club & a barrel of beer to drink on the sat. night " ORIGINALS HOT ROD CLUB" our club.
Wow...great pics! I can't believe I could still stand up...let alone play guitar! I had about 9 beers before I got on stage...looks like that wasn't enough cause I'm stealing them from the crowd too!! Haha. Great times. Dean
Cool pics ! it was a great weekend and as others have said there was a great chilled out atmosphere , we'll be back next year !