I could pick this up for $500 (I think), and an AMC Hornet with a small V8 for free... I put O/T in the title because both are out of our preffered year range. I know you guys always say "if you like it, and you think it's worth it, buy it and drive it" but I would really like your feedback on AMC's, are they hard to find parts for, and is this running wagon worth $500??? Anybody ever shot a pic of one souped-up? or similar wagon style? Anyone have a second to photo-shop this one? Just want to see if I think it's worth a trip to Denver to look at it.
That thing is great and would look pretty cool slammed with 18's (I know it is against the Kool God to say sucha thing). Pick it up...where can you get 2 cars for 500.00. besides there are AMC freaks that will pay for parts.
If "running" means you can slap plates on it and drive it sure, go for it! You cant buy any type of driver around here for under $1,000.. If that car was here it would have a lowbuck house painter loading it up with ladders & supplies.
Schweet! If you get it, we can get Farmer to bring us back a couple longboards from the left coast on his next trip..... Jay
HaaHaa... Longboards in Kansas. Wait... I gotta few sets of old skateboard truks/wheels left from my teenage years, would they bolt up?
We been getting tornados in California so I guess surfboards are ok in Kansas! I think that American was the best looking body style AMC built in that era! Plus the similar size Javelin and AMX were cool. The most RAD one was the Marlin of course, although it could hae been on a smaller size frame/pan, and the Matador was a "Baby Huey" that could have looked good if only it was the (small) size of that American. Parts for a "orphan"? We hotrod!
Almost looks like a 65 Dart wagon. I say get it. The hard to find parts(tailgate, back glass, wagon only, etcc.) look to be on it. So do it.
HAAHA - I LOVE THE PHOTOSHOP... have to ditch the purple idea though, people here would think I'm a K-State freak. I'm convinced I should at least go smell the seats see how it starts, take it around the block (or two) Thaks for the encouragement boys... thought I'd get a rash of shit 'cause it's like a '65 or '66.... but it sure ain't a musclecar!
Wait until you see the unveiling of a certain NW HAMBers AMC wagon. He's going nameless because he has been keeping it hush hush while it's being painted. I'll let him chime in if he wants, but from what I know of the painter's work, it's going to be killer! He's already bagged it.
I never buy a car........ that I have to ask opinions on it's coolness.... When I really, really want it.....I buy it.... And I have been fortunate in my car buying life......... If I really, really wanted it.........most everyone else really wanted it too........so selling them was not a issue.......sold easy and made market value .....or better. If you have to ask.......PASS........ just my opinion........ 1932 Fords 1940 Fords 55 Chevys 56 F100's (big windows.....5 of them) 57 Chevys 67 to 69 Camaros 69 SS Nova 396-375 70 Chevelle SS 454-450 LS6 a couple of El Caminos.... are a few of my past projects.... This coupe is my current (and last project).... At least that's what my wife thinks.....
Wasn't really asking about the "COOLNESS", just thought fellow hamb members who might have dealt with an AMC might chime in. I know nothing about them, or very little anyway. I think it's worth 5bills if it runs and is not going to cost a fortune finding parts for shit that decides to break. "Coolness" is relative, I own a 1985 Dodge Rampage 2.2 (that I love and built with my son for his first car) and a 1973 Volkswagen Thing (that I bought for the wife, and she dearly cherishes and drives the holy piss out of)... can't get much more "Un-Cool" than those two... at least by HAMBer standards. Thanks for the info, links and advice guys... I think I'm gonna go for it, if the guy will back down from $650 to $500 I need to add on to my garage
Losing 5 bills is not a real big deal anymore.........like it was 20 -30 years ago. But COOLNESS always plays in selling something.........and getting the money back. Just think IF it was a 59 Chevy wagon, or a 57 Ford wagon........the responses to this thread would have been 2 or 3 pages by now..... AMC's are weird.......and the parts are not real common. They do not interchange like the GM, Ford and Chryler stuff........and they are a lot less AMC's to get parts, information and support on...... IF you really dig it......buy it Just don't be upset when you want to dump it and nobody else wants it or will pay anything for it. If you just want cheap transportation.....hey.....it's only 5 bills...... Remember........ you asked for opinions.....