Hi, new to H.A.M.B. and was wondering if anyone has any info on using the 12 volt electric vacuum pump to assist with using power brakes. I have a 1953 flat head with a Isky 400 jr. cam and a tri-power set up. The kits run about $300.00 and I dont want to waste my money if they dont work. Thanks for any help. I constantly read this site as it has a wealth of information. Again thank you.
Thanks for the quick replies. I'am using the "Chassis Engineering" 1 inch corvette master cylinder and 7 inch brake power booster. Edelbrock tri-power intake manifold with Speedways 9super7 carbs,which neither have vacuum ports. I did call Edelbrock Tech. services and they did say I could drill a hole in the intake to add a vacuum port. I just dont know if I would have enough vacuum with that cam. Thanks again for the replies.