Spray Chief is white and you can tint it to whatever shade you want. <<< My coupe is sprayed with it.
this is DP green sealer. I can't remember if its DP90LF, DP40LF or which number it is. This is also after seveal years in the sun so it is a bit faded.
I believe that Squeege's is Green. Also, BASF has a pea green epoxy. I think it has EP .... in the number. VR&C.
Dp40 is the grey/green dp90 is black.. There a 2 part epoxy sealer not really a primer and only hold up for so long.. I would just get a high build primer and tint it such as ppg k36... Ppg used to offer a k-200 which was the best IMHO but I don't think it's available any more..
aircraft stuff too. Not sure how well it translates to automotive use. http://www.randolphaircraft.com/epoxyprimer.html
Duponts vari-prime and ppg's dpx-171 acid etching primers are also a greenish color.. They stick like a champ to anything...
Yes, DP40. If that isn't quite what you want, white or grey DP primer can be tinted to suit you needs.