Okay, as some of you already know, I recently purchased a '28-'29 Ford AA truck. I'm planning on making this a cruiser with a few updates, yet while attempting to keep the majority of the appearance at least somewhat stock. However, with the amount of driving I expect to do with it (I plan for it to be, for the most part, my daily driver), I want to have the best braking setup possible. That being said, does anyone know the best way to convert these hubs to later model discs? Does the length of the spindle/hub cause problems with converting to a regular disc type setup? I'm not really concerned about the bolt pattern, as I'll use wheel adaps if necessary, since I'm planning on running a mid '30s style wire wheel - probably 16" or 17". My plan is to use a later model rear end - probably a 9" - with parallel leaf springs under the rear for more cruisability. This'll also drop it down much closer to the ground at the same time, seing as how I'll be moving from 20" wheels to 16". I'm still going to run a flatbed, and possibly create a functional, but useless, dump bed setup. Anyway, my questions are mainly about converting the front axle. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Damn, this got bumped all the way down awfully quickly. Any ideas from anyone on this? I've got the big ass mechanical drums front and rear on my AA, and I'd rather stop a whole lot better! Thanks!
I have a 28 AA also, I am going with a pair of 40 spindles and I will be using a speedway disk brake setup. I am swapping the AA crossmember with a regular car crossmember. I will be running a 33 light axle and a 38 ford split wishbone. I am going to run a s-10 rear and s-10 leaf springs.
Yeah, what he said, I was going to offer a reversed eye main leaf front spring,1935/36 front axle which will give you a mild stock looking drop and attach a pair of 1939 onwards spindles and then get a disc brake kit from where ever say Speedway. I believe the early 28 AA's ran stock model A car front axles any way so you could also follow the tech post on putting 1940 juice brakes onto model A spindle. Although I prefer vented discs myself for that once in a lfe emergency stop on a fast moving freeway. I would also be tempted to look at later model ford cross steering set up as I know when I lowered my model A coupe the stock steering go a little out geometrically speaking. Good luck, Russ.
I believe '28-9AA does indeed use regular A axle, but spindles are different; I can't say whether spindle bolt pattern differs from car, but most likely it does. (Aside--these AA spindles were used for strengthening purposes on old sprint cars) So, use any '28-48 spindle, and that axle offered should fit. Axles '28-36 have same general dimensions for mounting purposes.
If your AA has the passenger car/pickup axle and not the larger boss AA axle you can simply acquire a set of 37-41 or 42-48 Ford passenger car/pickup spindles and either use a disc brake conversion kit (for the best brakes), or go with 39-41 or 42-48 Ford hydraulics, or 53-56 F100 hydraulics which are self-energizing. Change the front spring to a standard 10-12 leaf passenger car/pickup spring, available new from Snyder's or Mac's and many others, including Posie's for a slider spring. It is fairly easy to adapt a 37-40 column and steering box to your car and change to cross-steering. Someone now makes a disc setup with the Ford 5-5.5 circle pattern and if you use a pickup 9" inch rear axle you will have that pattern to mount your wire wheels to when you're ready.
Excellent info! Thanks to everyone who offered advice and help here! I'll double check the frontend on this thing and see if/what I can figure out and then go from there!
What if you have the large diameter wheels/heavy truck setup? Is there any way to get juice brakes or even disks while keeping the large wheels? I am putting a 29 2dr sedan on a AA truck frame because I want to keep the big wheels but I am not concerened with originality, just function. Any help would be awesome.
'30-31 AA use a different axle than A...don't know anything about details. '28-9 used passenger A axle with different spindles...do not know details of bolt patterns or bearings on spindles, but the A axle means you can go to any normal brake conversion that will fit any early Ford passenger spindles '28-48. That only answers part of your question...
Just beginning to build my 31 Ford model AA. I've been scratching my head over the front axle. You guys just answered allot of my questions. Thanks,
If I were building that and wanted to keep it a big truck...I think I would start with kingpin specs and see if later big truck spindle swap might be an option. Also see how late the front wheel bearings interchange...more clues on whether 1940's stuff might go on there. That much is easy to research on paper. If avenues look promising, further investigation will require getting hold of some hardware.
I'm building a 29 AA, and Engleman Engineering in Independence set up the chassis with '60 F-350 front spindles, brakes and wheels, and the same in the back with a meaty Rockwell rear ham and housing with dualies using the stock front and rear springs. We four-barred the back using the cantilever springs as the top bars. I wanted a stock look and stance.
Just to summarize...for my own personal information- I've got a '28 AA that I'm building a custom frame for, but would like to use the front suspension (wishbone, axle, spring...etc.). I want to run 15" or 16" steelies...so... Can I replace the kingpins and run standard F1 spindles and Juice brakes? Thanks a Ton Everyone!!! MONDO
Do any of you Model AA owners have the stock 20" wire wheels for sale? Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
Another Hammer ( Wingedexpress ) told me what he did. He wanted to keep his 34 a dually so he used F350 spindles. The Kingpin on 30-34 axles are 1.005 dia. on the F350 they are 1.055 and adding a .030 shim fit rite on. I am doing it soon got the spindles Rotors interchange from standard wheel to dually style. Looks like the arm will need to be bent up to go over Bones or just leave and do 4 bar or hairpin? You will also need to weld on a tapered bung on pass side for cross steer. Just looking it may not need to be narrowed for AA it does look good on his 34. The hat spacer for the dually wheels un bolds from rotor and I think .5 can be turned off to narrow front.