Hey there Hambers..so my 54 210 is close to receiving its heart back. Keeping the original 235 in there which was just rebuild at standard specs. I am also keeping my 3 speed manual trans. So I been doing some reading on here and I am trying to fill my brain with as much info as I can. My motor is all put back together and its ready to be dropped in. All I need is the distributor to be put back in and the fuel pump. So the question is where the hell is my timing mark/ball bearing if been reading about on the fly wheel? all I have is a small round make and a sorta looking hole.. I guess that sharp tooth on the bell housing is my tdc? I see no marks other than the ones on the pic .. Also my og fuel pump is F.U.B.A.R so I bought a new one however the new one has only a fuel pump and not a vaccum pump as well.. Is this a problem ? Or can I just take vacuum from the back of my stock intake manifold..Thanks a bunch
I can tell you the hole on the driver's side is for ignition timing There's a BB sized embeded ball that sets the timing. Take some plugs out, maybe all of them and turn fan until ball shows in window, mark it with some chalk, hookup timing light, disconnect vacuum advance and plug it. Start it up and aim light at the hole.Loosen up the distributor hold down nut and dial it in. Pretty easy.
You are right on the timing mark. The "pointer" in the circle is TDC. I am not a real expert... You should PM 6inarow or GMCbubba, they are experts on the stovebolts.
Some answers here: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=493920&highlight=235+timing+mark You're on the right track. Look through that window to see timing mark/ball/indentation. on the flywheel. The "sharp tooth on the bellhousing" is the pointer. I'm very concerned about the heavy pitting and hole in your flywheel, and the possibility of imbalance and maybe even diminished structural integrity. I would suggest a replacement flywheel, or at least a refacing and balancing of the one you have. And if that hole was originally the timing mark...then I'd replace it for sure. You can certainly run your wipers with vacuum from the intake only. Many were set up like that. But you're going to notice much more slow-down and even stopping of the wipers under acceleration. The combo fuel-pumps/vac pumps are still available though, and will help to make things a lot less scary when passing a semi-truck in the rain. Good luck with the Chevy and the upcoming maiden voyage!
Thanks guys...Yeah I figuered that hole in the fly wheel is where that bearing use to be. The fly wheel was resurfaced and balanced yesterday...I know the piting looks crazy... Not sure what a new one will run.. Yeah the pump is a bit more expensive than the single action one...I think they still make them for trucks so I am told...ok well thanks for the info fellas....hoping all pans out and its a pain free install and turn over..Thanks
If i remember correctly, the ball is 5 degree off of TDC. I don't remember if it is advanced or retarded. The mark in your picture doesn't look like the mark to me, unless it was machined while getting turned and balanced. It should literally look like someone shot a BB into the flywheel. from the looks of the pitting I would be looking for a new flywheel. I would hate to have that thing scatter and destroy your block, tranny, or feet. The good news is that you can only put that thing on one way, so you dont have to worry about being 180 degrees out.
I will check prices on a new flywheel..not sure if thats the mark..i will check further tomorrow...thx for all the input guys. Good info