Only testing this. Original picture was very large as 4000somethingx3000something pixels. on photobucket I copied the url for clickable thumbnail here I copied the image code and tried to alter the size here on this forum, but I suppose the forum does not support BB resize code, or am I doing something wrong? [IMG=100x100][/IMG] here I tried to alter the size of the thumbnail, does not work [IMG=100x100][/IMG] I finally changed the size of the picture on phobuckets own editing program. It works fine but if you have a slow internet connection as I do. It is much faster to edit the before you upload the pictures. This picture is resized to 640x480. I suppose the easiest way is to set the camera to take small, low resolution pictures, but then you might loose the benefits with large pictures losing the details you might want.
You've got the right idea about downsizing your pics before uploading them. 640 x 480 or 800 x 600 is plenty big to post in the forums. And if you compress your jpegs a little bit you can make the file sizes considerably smaller with very little loss of quality. And it's pretty quick and easy to resize a batch of photos with free software like Irfanview or Picasa. You can set your camera to take smaller images but I wouldn't generally recommend it unless you're sure you only need them for web display. If you want to make prints you'll need the bigger, higher resolution images. If you need detail in a smaller pic try to get in closer to your subject. Try the "Macro" setting on your camera. I think a lot of people forget it's there or how it works.
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