Hey, so I'm working on my '64 series proposed DD and I have spark at the plugs and fuel in the carb but she won't even sputter. It seems like a fuel problem (bad gas possibly), but it's clearly getting the fuel and the spark looks nice so I'm stumped and looking for idea's on what the problem might be. This sounds foolish, but is there any way to test the gas? When it was last running there was no signs of bad rings or any other problems, (no smoke) so I'm wondering if it's time to bust out the compression tester, or am I forgetting something else I can check? The idea that the rings are bad does not make me happy. Thanks!
Are you sure you are getting spark at the right time? In other words has the distributor been taken out lately or plug wires changed. Might be out of time. Compression test is never a bad idea. It will give you good info on the general condition of the engine.
Lobucrod- Pretty sure? I've checked the point gap, checked the plug wire order and set the timing via the cigarette-paper method. Really hoping it's the gas...
#1 piston, TDC and then on to the reg firing order with the Distributor in the #1 position and then onto the regular FIRING ORDER of what-ever mill you're using........... Does that make sense ???????
squirt a bit of gas down the carb and see if it fires. If so, the problem is fuel related. is it turning over fast enough to create the compression necessary for combustion?