I haven't been on here much lately and probably won't be on here much in the weeks ahead. A couple of weeks ago my world was turned up side down when my oldest son was told he had a brain tumor. Needless to say nothing else was important to me anymore. As I write this is on his way to the Cleveland Clinic where he will be operated on in the next few days. My wife and I will be at his side for the next few weeks while the cars gather dust outside. Something like this certainly reminds you of what is really important in life. It just rips your guts out to see one of your children go through this. I'd trade places with him in a heartbeat if I only could. Those of you with kids give them an extra big hug every day and thank God they are healthy and safe. And pray for my son if you would.
i hope you can find some comfort in knowing that your son is going to the best hospital in the world. keep spirits up and know that anything is possible, and miracles do happen. if there's anything at all I can help you guys out with, by all means fire me a PM. I live in cleveland and I can give you any assistance you might need. you and your family are in my prayers dan
Rich, if ya need soemthing, anything, gimme a holler. My brother-in-law went through similiar stuff a couple years back. Just keep the faith and he'll be better than ever in no time.
I'm very sorry to hear that. Stay strong for your son and the rest of your family and I hope everything works out for your family.
Rich, all my thoughts are with you and your family, and especially your son. If you need anything, dont hesitate to call on the GMB family, we are here for you. -Joe
You've got it. Hope things go well. Lot of those tumors on the go lately! I have several friends that are going thru it now or have gone thru it in the past. The ones that have been thru it had great success and are leading normal productive lives. Keep your chin up dude.
I talk to the Big Man daily, you and yours are on the list. Doctors and divine intervention work well together. I have seen the results. Trust and Faith You'll get through it.
best wishes to him -- and to you and your family -- for sure that's a hard time!! --- my son is only 6 months old -- but I can feel with you -- it must be horrible --- hope it will end up good!!!!! Rainer
Of course my prayers go out to your son. But do not dispair, my grand daughter went through this when she was barely three. She had an asympatoma, I'm sure I'm spelling this wrong, but it's the kind of tumor that spreads like a net over the brain. Very difficult surgery, but the reason I'm responding here instead of just offering up a prayer, which I already did, is to tell you she's now a beautiful 16 year old cheerleader. Modern medicine is very powerful, I believe that your boy will be OK. It's scary and frustrating I know, but try to have faith and let your wife have a good cry. Then press on. We're all pulling for you and yours. God listens. chili PS if you have questions about how it will be after the surgery, do not hesitate to PM me. It's rough, but we don't get burdens we can't carry. Stay positive. cp
Thoughts and prayers, A hopefull note, A real good friend of mines son dropped into a coma which turned out to be a brain tumor, the surgical procedure was done in Salt Lake. That was 5 years ago, now the son is graduating high school this year, on to college, happy healthy, rides dirt bikes, crotch rockets, jet skis, just like every other 18 year old - the only side effect seems to be a fondness for honda tuner cars. swdobbs....
I talk to the MAN daily myself..... as was said ...prayer AND modern medicine both will work miracles... he and all the family are in my prayers ..... jersey skip
We stand with you brother in prayer. Take hold of the word of God brother, that by the stripes on His(Jesus) back we are healed. That which we ask for in the name of Jesus and acording to the will of God will be given us in due season. Hold tight to the hand of our unchanging God and allow the Holy Spirit our great comforter to strengthen you for the times ahead. Remember always that we can have comfort in the mist of our tribulation through the knowledge of our salvation. God bless you and hold you. Amen
I've got a 7 & 4 year old, both boys, I'll take your advice and be sure we all pray for your family... TC