"For every great social movement, for every catalyst of explosive change, and for every idea that brought on new light, I'll show you a delinquent that was young in years or heart." F. Scott Fitzgerald said something along those lines and I... <BR><BR>To read the rest of this blog entry from The Jalopy Journal, click here.
I was so stoked to find out about issue #19!!!!!!!! I feel fortunate enough to say I have every issue, including the calendar. I did have to beg, borrow and trade my way to get a couple of the first ones but I have them all. (I think Pete Flaven took a set of Guide lights and an F-100 steering box in trade about 10 years ago for issue #1 and #2! It was a good trade!!) Anyways...I LOVE MAGNETO and the work that Tony has done with it. I used to get get as giddy as a school girl when I would come home and see that manila envelope in the mailbox with the infamous, MAGNETO logo on it. My evening was shot at that point and my ex knew better than to bother me while I poured over those little pages full of New England, hot rod, goodness!! My kids have gone through several, Magneto T-Shirts over the years as well...This is great news!!! Glad to see you're back at it, Tony!!!!!!!
It was a pleasure meeting Tony way back when. Super stoked he's hopping on the lightning bold and giving it another go.
Hoodlums worldwide Amen brother Ryan...lets raise some Hell with a Purpose. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
I haven't had the opportunity to read one. I ordered the new one with the 4 back issues. Hoodlums world wide lets raise a little hell.
mag-neto is a great mag,i have every issue,then it dissapeared..but to re appear and i couldnt be happier,its such a well constructed mag.
Tony is definitely a hero. Having tried my hand at creating a magazine myself, after 2 issues I saw the incredible amount of work that goes into making something worth reading. But its not all about just the editor and chief. There really need to be legions behind that editor helping keep the creative ground fertile. Congrats on putting out another issue! You are a tougher man than I am! Maybe I will have the fortitude to put out an issue three - Maybe....
Tony is a great guy! It's sooo awesome to see him get Mag-Neto back in gear...we've missed it for way too long!!
Just got mine last night, from my brother at Sugar City Speed Shop, what a great read! Thanks Tony, for puting out a wonderful magazine. Now, only 18 more to find!
Got the 'package deal' the other day. Worth way more than the admission price I tell ya!! Great stuff! Raise a little hell, with purpose to boot....center this place up damn it!!!
The latest issue is excellent! The "package deal" is a bargain. Tony is a great guy, however some of his friends are hoodlums!
Always looking for a good read. Just ordered the package deal!! I'm sure I'll be bummed that I didn't get the other 14 issues. Thanks for the heads-up Ryan. Flash, sounds like you have some great support for your Mag. This is a good crowd. Count me in!!!!
Tony, Best of luck after your slowdown. Keep up the good work, and you know that you can count on me to help with anything on this end of the world. Tom
I had the pleasure of having dinner Sunday with Tony and an esteemed model A sedan owner who is featured in the newest edition (moose)! What a great feature, Ryan, and you thought us yankees were "different"!
I ordered and received the package deal a couple weeks ago... what a SCREAMIN' deal. It's a great mag!