Hello to all. About time I registered. Seems like whenever I needed some info, did a search, I ended up on the HAMB and found exactly what I was looking for. Knowledge base is huge here. Anyway, personal info: Detroit suburbs, 3 dogs, 1 wife, 4 grown daughters, 3 grand kids, '47 Ford sedan mild custom daily driver, '57 GMC long box project (conventionally lowered, 327, roll pan w/'58 Chev taillights, red tuck 'n roll, hot rod black w/strategic red flake and dents just to keep the character). Also a 2004 Harley Road Glide but that's going on the auction block come spring time, unless the world ends Dec 21st, but I never trusted those Mayans anyway. So thanks for the past info and I'm lookin forward to membership. Sunday am 9:34 and I'm late for my date with the GMC. Off to the garage, better make a fresh pot 'o joe.
Welcome from Flint area. Harley guy here too. 98 Road King with 110" S&S engine and a 1937, 80" flathead.