Found this flyer taped to a wall out side of the expo center where i'm currently at for a skateboard contest this weekend in Vancouver, Canada. Sat. August 27th The Azure show Lounge & The Plaza of Nations present Hot Rod, Classic car and Bike show Beer Garden & BBQ! Live band and Bikini Contest 770 Pacific Blvd. registration @ 9AM show 12noon -2AM what are the chances for me to see some Canadian hotrods while i'm here for skateboarding business once again, pretty excitied to see what kind of rides the Canucks have I'll take pics tomorrow! CAB
There is always a good time to be had when your in Van, I wish I could remember them when I come home.......Can't wait to see the pics.
We'll i checked out the show for a bit, if you'd want to call it one. there were only about 10 cars at the most that showed up and one bike, i guess there was another show happening about 10 min away in another place and was porrly advertised. Just so you know what kind of cars showed up, i was talking to one guy about his '30 Ford Sedan that had a sign in his front window that said... "please don't touch the paint" and showed him a few pics of my coupe on my digi camera in it's paint/rebuild progress. He then goes on saying..." looks like your going for that rat rod look" I just nodded and said... um no, it's more like the traditional look. I guess a better show is happening tomorrow where there should be about 200 cars he said 30min. away in a town called Whiterock. But, that's too far for me to go without a rental car and taking taxi's from the hotel to the skate venue. A few photos... here was a nice restored '38 Chebby and definitely my favorite of the bunch his '30 Ford Sedan ...streetrod sweet 4 door '50 Merc... i didn't care for the rims. Pretty cool '55 Chevy custom made BBQ grill with trailor hitch... minus the wheels used for this cool idea.
Hey Steve..ya that show was not promoted worth a dam.. .didnt even know about till about 3 today If it aint raining Sunday the one in White Rock(2 min. from my house ) should be 300 or so. Steve just steal a car...everyone else does Seriously tho..if ya want,give me a call 604/306/4329...before 1am !!! i might come pick you up in the morn seeing ya cant afford a rental LOL