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jerks who call on your cars you have for sale....

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 49ratfink, Feb 8, 2008.

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  1. 1964countrysedan
    Joined: Apr 14, 2011
    Posts: 1,130

    from Texas

    I do not respond to an ad that does not have a phone number and I do not place one without a phone number. Real buyers and sellers have phones and use them.

    Yep, someone that calls and offers less over the phone without seeing the vehicle.jerk. The many who call ask stupid questions and don't show up...jerks. The one that calls, shows up, negotiates fairly, pays and drives off...worth it (I suppose).
  2. teejay99
    Joined: Sep 26, 2009
    Posts: 356


    If you are selling something ( anything ) that you know is priced right , and somebody wants to get stupid with offers ....sometimes without seeing the item ...just raise the price ! It will do one of two things , and both are good for you .

    1. The guy will leave or leave you alone
    2. He will come to his senses and get serious .
    ...I've done it before , several times , and it gets the message across without a lot of words .
  3. metalman
    Joined: Dec 30, 2006
    Posts: 3,297


    I'm amazed at how many people really don't read your ad. A few years ago I placed an ad in the paper, it read 76 Harley Sportster engine, dissasembled in a box, $500. As soon as the paper hit the ground (6AM) the phone started ringing with guys asking about my motorcycle. They hang up when I'd say I don't have one, I have an engine (duh, read the ad!). About 7 a guy calls and wants to know about the engine I have for sale, comes right over and buys it. The rest of the day I just had fun with the dumbasses, I say sorry, it's sold, someone just rode off on it when they asked about it. They would grone thinking the just missed out on a running $500 Harley.
  4. cwheelin
    Joined: Jun 6, 2011
    Posts: 15


    I love how they mention it needs new tires even though you say it has been sitting for over 10 years and that it will need new tires but still want to use that in their argument on why you need to lower the price

    But if it had new tires then the price would be adjusted higher???
    Go figure
  5. GregCon
    Joined: Jun 18, 2012
    Posts: 689

    from Houston

    One time, some guy named Brian listed a in the paper Mustang for sale. But, they misspelled 'Brian' and instead the ad said 'Call Brain'. We called him, for fun, and kept calling him Brain and man did he get pissed....
  6. EdselRich
    Joined: Oct 12, 2007
    Posts: 287


    Called a guy about an add on here a few months ago. Its was an off brand 30's coupe in my area. It was a hell of a project that he wanted $5,000. In the add he stated that if it didn't sell he was gonna have to scrap it. I told him if it didn't sell and it came to that I'd give him $1,500. WAY more than I've ever heard of a Scrapper giving. Well the car didn't sell and he scrapped it. I just don't get it. How is that furthering the hobby?

    Chrome 'n' Flake
  7. It's amazing how this is the only guy in the world who can send an email, but can't answer one back. If the guy is that stupid, I don't want to deal with him, I'll sell it to someone who actually has more than half a brain. Like the Stude pickup I sold last week that I never talked to the guy on the phone at all.
  8. GregCon
    Joined: Jun 18, 2012
    Posts: 689

    from Houston

    I guess some people, for whatever reason, are not consummating an interaction unless they have had oral intercourse with the seller. Others are perfectly content to only have intercourse in visual form. And then some need lots of both. The problems arise when the two potential partners have different perspectives on what type of intercourse they require. In those cases, intercourse usually fails to take place at all or is stunted and is considered unsatisfactory by one of more of the parties.
  9. brian55lvr
    Joined: Oct 24, 2010
    Posts: 603

    from ma

    if theres no phone number when asked i figure its a scam!
  10. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
    Posts: 11,475

    Blue One
    from Alberta

    We could also flip this around and have a thread called Jerks who sell cars ... :D
  11. coolbreeze1340
    Joined: Aug 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,340

    from Indiana

    Sellers can be just as nuts. I went and looked at another 57 Ford shortbed last weekend. It was past saving but had some good parts. The guy tells me how he drive it to the present spot 20 years ago and it hasn't moved since and as we are walking around looking at the truck he keeps saying "wow, this thing has really started to rot away". I ask how much and he says "I'm not sure, what will you offer?" I told him $700 - $800 would be the most I could go. The dude gets really upset and starts hollaring that he paid $1800 twenty years ago and then had tp put new tires on it. He explains that $1800 20 years ago would be close to $4000 today. Well I guess he knew economics better than me so I just told him "sorry to waste your time" and walked away.
  12. JSanford1974
    Joined: Jun 9, 2009
    Posts: 52


    I don't give my number out until we've exchanged a few emails. The ones NOT serious will fade away through email. The guys interested will continue asking questions. I HATE nothing more than talking with someone about something I have for sale and have to listen to their life story for over a damn hour. I have 2 boys (1 plays all 3 sports), and my wife works late 3 days a week. I don't have time to listen to their crap. That's why I don't put my phone number in ANY ad.

    I talked to a guy the other night and he keep me on the phone for 45 minutues trying to trade me a truck I had already told him I wasnt interested trading.

    1 minute to email vs. 1 hour to call?
  13. coolbreeze1340
    Joined: Aug 18, 2009
    Posts: 1,340

    from Indiana

    Another seller on a OT newer truck. I called about the truck and arranged a time to meet. The address was in the "hood" (guy was flipping houses) so I didn't take all the cash, just enough for a good down payment. We go for a test drive, I shoot an offer $500 less and he says he is firm on the listed price. I look the truck over real good and say "OK, thats fair because the truck is really clean top to bottom." I give him a grand (and get some paperwork) and we make arrangements for me to get the truck and him to have the title the following Monday. I get a call from him Sunday night from the seller and he starts telling me how his brother-n-law sells used cars and is telling him that he can sell the truck for a few grand more than the price it was listed for. The seller then says he still wants to sell it but he wants another $1500 more than we agreed to. I explained that I agreed to his listed price and we struck a deal but if he wanted his brother-n-law to sell it for him that was fine and he could meet me with my deposit because I didn't feel the truck was worth another $1500 to me. He agrees and I hang up. Before I could even get my shoes on he called back and informed me that he changed his mind again and didn't want to hassle with the brother-n-law. I really felt like telling him to duck off but I needed the truck so I went and picked it up the next day. I guess he thought since I was willing to pay his asking price I would have paid more.
  14. I agree ! I have bought a lot off hambers with great success This looks like a list to avoid. I have been wheeling and dealing for 40 years. I have my complaints ,but if you can't deal with it then quit.

    Negative thread for the H.A.M.B
  15. Cortney
    Joined: Aug 11, 2008
    Posts: 375


    Negative thread? Sure! But I think it's a good thread to vent out some past experiences and have a good laugh at the same time. Kinda like hang'n out with some buddy's telling stories over a few beers. Just my opinion though.
  16. 49ratfink
    Joined: Feb 8, 2004
    Posts: 19,167

    from California

    yeah, who's the asshole that started this negative thread?:mad:
  17. falcongeorge
    Joined: Aug 26, 2010
    Posts: 18,339

    from BC

    Musta had some of that "unsatisfactory intercourse". That always ruins my day...
  18. tommyd
    Joined: Dec 10, 2010
    Posts: 11,983

    from South Indy

    And if you are the seller and put all the info about the car in the ad or on the windshield and do not include the asking price.....YOU are wasting my time and yours! I never call on a car anymore that does not include the price. What? is the seller ashamed of his asking price? Does he feel that he can talk me into a deal if only I will call him? Uh, sorry....rant over now.:D
  19. brian55lvr
    Joined: Oct 24, 2010
    Posts: 603

    from ma

    they want u to make an offer-------so i offer a dollar :eek:
  20. I sold a Chevy to a guy once, left a deposit, then came back the next day and said..." I've changed my mind, my Dad won't let me buy the car, can I have my deposit back?" ..... The worst part was he was about 25 years old. The best part was me and my buddy drinking beer and eating pizza with his deposit (which he didn't get back), and the car got sold for more than the first time.
  21. jazz1
    Joined: Apr 30, 2011
    Posts: 1,543


    List the price. I made offer on engine cause that's what the ad says"make an offer" Guy comes back pissin' n moanin' about how my offer is too low...if you have a price in mind name it!
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