Little Mike summed it up best!!! I have a lot of pics. Here they are: Drags 05/ Had a great time. Too many people to thank. monkey
Yo-Monkey- Thanks for watchin' my back on the cruise home Bro- I owe ya one. Hope to see ya again.The trans is being yanked as we speak. Frankie- Speed Kings
Hey, Yo, Frankie, anytime my man! Just doin my job. That's what this whole brotherhood is about right? Glad you made it home safe. See ya soon man. monkey
I'm gonna hold you to that Reggie!!! Glad we got to visit this weekend. It's always good to see ya man! You keep an eye on Steve for me..will ya!! later brother, monkey
Monkey, Thanks so much for the shirt! I wore it all day yesterday! Tell me when and we'll go to the place that you got it from! LiL Mike
Six pages of pics and not one Monkey Ass shot? Your slippin dude! Great pics anywho, wish I could been there. See ya at PnP if not before. E
Monkis, thanks for all the good shots of this weekend. Does A/altered spark anything down below? Lets get to widdel'n!!!!!!!!! sexton, out........................
Monkey, thanks for the pics. Can't believe how mant freakin' cool cars there were there. Man, I need to go to one of these.
Man, it was a fun weekend. Yeah, I don't know what the deal is with me. I guess it was kind of the mood of the parking lot. Me and Tman thought that maybe we were all getting to old. The parking lot was quiet on Saturday night. No ass shots this year. It was too quiet. Lil mikey, anytime your ready bro let me know. Eurika Springs is only like 2 and 1/2 hours from here. Not bad. Boom Boom, I will see you before P&P. I am slippin. Sexton, let's get it on! I'm just ready to go really fast. Donzie, you gotta make one of these man. It's a great time. later, monkey
Monkey, Your a bad ass dude i'm glad I got to grow up with ya thanks for introducing me to all those hambers whos names and face I will never remember except for a few. Man those are some sweet pics especially the black 52 chevy with all the greasy spots on it yall need to beat that dude up and paint his car. oh yeah whenever you feel like yankin that bowtie rearend and switchin it with the 9in. you let me know allright? Whitey
Anytime, with my help, anything will take 3 times longer than it should!!! Glad we got some good hang time brother. later, monkey