I'm doing a rear end swap on my 53 customline . I had stock in it and I'm switching to a 70's granada rear end. The only thing is I'd that the perches off the new 8inch are missing. Does anybody have the measurements on where to put them as well as what angle they need to be?
The 8 inch is one inch narrower than the stock one and I already cut my old perches off the stock rear end just a FYI.. Dumb move I know .
1 inch isnt to bad.. 1/2 inch on each side.. you can use those on the 8" .. are the perches inset from the original 53?
Place the new rearend on top of your springs. Centre it by measuring spring to backing plate. Mark the rear end above the springs with a marker. That is where the perches should be. 3 degrees up is normal.
What do you mean by inset? And eaglebreak I will def use that idea and thanks for the degree angle. Somebody told me it was 5 degrees up which one is better? Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app