On Thanksgiving Day (of all days!) our almost completely restored 1949 Crosley Pick Up was stolen. These thieves cut through gates, locks, ect. This Crosley was not just sitting out by the street waiting to be taken. It was locked up. None the less, they took it and the trailer it was loaded on, a 18 ft. all steel car hauler flatbed. Last night (Dec. 3rd) it was spotted by a very nice man who called the police, (he had seen our "stolen" ad previously), however the I-35 Kansas Highway Patrol didnt get there in time to catch the guy who was at the time broken down on the side of the Turnpike. It was spotted again a few hours later on I-135 near McPherson. And then again, near Kansas City. At all of the spottings, it was a dark square style truck hauling it on our stolen trailer. We have tried posting a 'stolen ad" in Kansas City, MO but it gets flagged immediately, and when I say immediately I MEAN IMMEDIATELY! I dont know if that is because someone doesnt want it seen around there or not? I have not flooded any where with these Stolen Ads, just trying to get the picture of our precious truck out there, so hopefully we can get it back before it gets chopped up. I believe it is in KCity or somewhere around there, but who knows. This is a rare car, and despite having insurance, ect. It means a lot to us, and is just not something we can replace! The outside was smoothed, primered, ready to paint, the last thing it needed, (which is where it was going the day after Thanksgiving, and why it was loaded up.) The motor has been re-done completely and is perfect :-( PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep your eyes out for this Crosley, call the police immediately if you see it, and you can reach me at 405-600-8377 with any other info. Or email me directly at SharinaMarie@yahoo.com ***THIS IS THE LINK TO A STOLEN AD, WHICH HAS PICTURES OF CAR AND TRAILER.*** https://post.craigslist.org/manage/3438753704
As a guy who also got his old truck stolen, I'll damn sure be looking for it in the Omaha area. I spent a good part of today driving I-80 and didn't see it but I'll be on the look out for it.
hope ya get it back, these bastards never stop. if they start finding some of these guys dead maybe something will change.
Any traffic cams get a shot of the plate? Best of luck and hope the sh!t head/s get what they deserve !!!!! JW
So....the thief was broken down on an interstate, spotted, reported and the KHP didn't respond in time to nab them. That's pathetic. No wonder this stuff is so out of hand. The Kansas guys need to look into this. Absolutely unacceptable. Best of luck getting the Crosley back home. We'll be keeping an eye out around here.
Rat bastard thieves. I'll keep an eye open here on the west side of Kansas City. FYI, I just looked on Craigslist here and saw 7 "stolen Crosley' ads, 6 of which are flagged for removal. Your ads may be getting flagged due to one of the rules, which says you can't spam/overpost - posted too frequently, in multiple cities/categories,
I did try posting it 8 times actually, only one (in a random category) lasted for more than a few seconds. It is literally flagged within minutes, and thats how its been since the very first time I tried it. Someone there seems to be watching for it to come up
I certainley will be on the look out here in the corner of SE KS. I have a couple local webb sites I can post it for you. Good luck.
Im in Columbia Mo and will keep an eye out if it were to come this way. Hope we catch these idiots. I'll paste on Facebook as I have friends in the Olathe KS and general KC area.
I used to live ina roughish area of Kansas City we had 4 hour blackouts, that means 4 hours is the quickest repoonse you could expect unless there were shots fired then it was closer to 20 minutes. We lived less than a mile from the cop shop. Missouri and Kansas cops are just a little slow on the draw.
post a picture of the trailer hopefully it has some unique identifying mark. After all if its still being moved no one is going to see the car.
I think the scum were only after your trailer,it's not a common car to move on or part out,check the scrap yards and known dumping grounds,TMO. Gaz !
I meant to say while I was police bashing that I will keep an eye peeled here on the east side of the city. Not likely I will see it but you just never know.
We'll be looking here in the southland. My first car;1947 Crosley two door sedan in 1952!Had to get two parts cars to keep it screaming!
Hey I think I seen it for sale on Craigslist in the Dallas Fort Worth Craigslist...is the trailer black????