Toy Boxes were cool too. <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I am the moderator for the Carmodelers group on Yahoo. For our home page, a few years ago I photoshopped some box art...
I was inspired by the Zingers box art for the A100 PU, and the latest flyers for Billetproof and Billetproof Drags Florida were all box art inspired, right down to to way dust gets into the texture of cardboard and the way the ink wears off the edges and corners. the 3 color falcon box art flyer is purposely mis-registered.
Thanks fellas! Those are cool Mike! Tony, I have my shirts too. They are looking pretty tattered these days. That was like 10 years ago already! I may do another box design for the Kosmic Outcast that we are building at the shop currently.
Here are a couple that ain't not been seen here previous - Both are models of the Allard J2X Roadster - The first is a Premier plastic kit with glue on "chrome paper" details - The second is a Berkeley kit with u-carve balsa block for the body and cast metal fenders, headlighrs, etc with prongs to stick into the wood body - There were only 85 J2X Allards made so it is truly remarkable that 2 models were made in it's image - J2X
When I started building customized model car when I was 11 years old ('59 Bonneville ragtop was first) I usually used the box as a "spray rack" to hold up the bent wire coat hanger I used to hold the body while spraying. At that age I thought the "art work was goofy because it rarely reflected a fair proportion to the actual model in the box. Now I wish I'd saved some of them.
Trust me, DrJ, you weren't the only one doing that. I've picked up several vintage kits over the years whose box tops were used as paint racks. I currently have ruined box covers for both an original issue MPC 1970 Coronet Super Bee and an original issue AMT 1965 Pontiac GTO. I found replacements for both, but it took a while!
RAF, you wouldn't happen to still have that '55 Nomad kit, would you? I know a guy that is looking for it for his collection!