Changed out the slots for some tall n skinny steelies. Dont know if it needs rings ? maybe a pinstripe ? Got to put on the new chrome nuts. I like the look alot better. Dont like the spider caps so probably no centers as the wheels are S10 spares so no clips or nubs. Fronts are 5.0x16 and rears are 7.5x16. What you think ?
Looks good. I think a pinstripe would be just enough especially if you are going with chrome nuts. I would pick something in the color range of the cab. Maybe a double line??
steel wheels= atta boy! Great move and nice center bell on those, pinstripes would be cool. ~sololobo~
Yeah they are 16x4 with the car pattern. They had never been mounted on a vehicle, I took them out from under 4 different trucks. I got less than 50 bucks in the wheels so the $ is rite !!
OK I am having a brain fart on my end, what are you guys refering to as chrome center bells ? chorme center caps ?? I am not a big fan of the Spider cap stuff.
one or two pin stripes on the outer ring would add a little finish to it. Maybe a body color pin stripe and a black pin stripe to make the maroon color pop a bit. I also think small chrome center cap would be rad
A+ Clever idea. I would figure out a way to use Deuce caps (an adapter thingie') Those wheels give the truck that old/trad "tucked-in" look - and best of all... On the low down bucks - yeah, A+
If you shop around, you can find push-through center caps used on some aluminum wheels that will work. The ones I had for my Weld wheels fit the taper of my steel rims very well. I tried them on, and they looked great, but I didn't have enough attention span to gather a complete set; eventually went with conventional hubcaps. I think they would look good with your proposed chrome lug nuts.
I like your change. Of course, I'm biased (and I'm not talking about the plys). I too am running spare wheels (16" Mopar). And, I too have been gnashing my teeth about wheel treatments & haven't done a damn thing. I think pinstriped would be ticket, if you could find someone local to do it.
I would much prefer the pinstripe over trim rings. Go with either body color or a color 180 degrees away on the color wheel. Just my two cents worth.
Uh ohhhhh, I think all the Pull-a-Part places are going to have a run on S-10 spare wheels..... I shall be looking for some myself. They really look good but need a little something something.
THANKS GUY !! The wheels are from the 94 up S10 era. Wrecking yards around here are full of them. There a dime a dozen round this area. I like the sounds of the pinstrip ! I will have to break out my brushes !!
Probably just the chrome dust caps that a lot of us used to run on our wheels with steelies years ago. Some chrome goodie peddler also sold a flat chrome axle cover for the rear wheels about that period of time.
What bolt pattern are those wheels? If you have nothing chrome in the center then I wouldn't run chrome trim rings. I would stripe them.
Looks really good. Suits the character of the car and that tan colour goes nicely with the patina. Good job!