we have a 1 bedroom apartment suitable for a couple with 1 kid. located in n-east iowa. available for a hamber dis placed by the hurricane. i know its a long way from home, but its the best we can do. we will do anything we can to help riverrat
Illinois, near Chicago. I've a four bedroom, and only two of us (me and my boy.) One extra bed, and a lot of floor space (I'll move the motorcycles out of the living room). Again, a long way for a HAMBer, but it's what I can do. Cosmo
Same here We have 2 extra rooms One hour north of st.paul in Minnesota- We were just talking about this today- 715 309 7910 Tuck
We have one extra bedroom w/ a futon. Plenty of room for a mom/dad and two kids. Tell you what: You need the space and a place to stay, I'll buy another futon for your kids so they don't have to sleep on the floor. It's Seattle and it's far away, but the door is open.
Norma and I have an extra bedroom in our home for any H.A.M.B.er family who needs a place to stay. I know they are supposed to be bringing 5000 families to Tulsa, Oklahoma. We live in Sapulpa, a suburb of Tulsa. We're here if you need us. My # is 918.760.6710 Take care, Reverend Jake
I don't know if this will help, but I will let a friend of mine know in Louisiana (He was outside of the hurricane and has a place to stay...) to spread this by word of mouth to any hot-rodders looking for a place to stay in-the-event that rodder can't get online... TTYL. Later, peace... Troy.
We donated a bunch of stuff to the church the other day for Katrina people and they were asking for mens jeans, t-shirts, and underware. They said they needed mens t-shirts of any type to give people something else to wear besides what they had on. My wife always tells me I have too many hot rod shirts and she is right, I can't wear them all and I had three jam packed drawers full of shirts. I started going through them and it struck me that now a bunch of people are going to be wearing Moon, So Cal Speed Shop, Goodguys, Fritz's Area 51, Knight Prowler, AER, KKOA, NSRA, HAMB, Hop Up, Rodders Journal, Pistons and Paint, McPhail, and various other hot rod event and speed shop t-shirts (and 501 jeans with cuff creases). I am sure they will be glad to have anything ,but man some of those guys are gonna be looking pretty cool. From what I hear they still need tons of this sort of stuff and I bet many of you are like me and have way too many event shirts and such you could pass on...just a thought. Hell, some of those I had not worn in years. Besides, by doing it you will have the same excuse as me to buy more later and that will help the economy to keep rolling and all that...just my .02 **I do have to admit it was pretty painfull to let some of those t-shirts go but once we got started I just had to suck it up...I am such a wuss. I did keep my gray Hop Up and black Rodders Journal shirts, some Moons and So Cals I wear weekly, and the first Lone Star Round Up and the most recent one...can't give all away or I would be shirtless and that would be pure horror.
We gave some money aswell as took some clothes to a neighbors church that is actually going to take the clothes themselves to the familys. My wifes work is doing alot for aid/help and my wife asked about putting someone up, im sure we will hear more next week.
I can store a few things cars, trailers, etc. I can provide a place to park RV. I will do whatever I can. PM me and we will take it from there. Located just north of D/FW.
I am long ways away here in WI, but I also have room. We have a very nice finished walkout basement complete with full bathroom and almost a full kitchen. about 1500 square feet of space. There are two bedrooms, one furnished, one empty. I also have a 4 car garage with plenty of room. If there is anybody who still needs a place to stay away from the south, please email me. My aunt and mother were in Diamondhead, a few miles east of Gulfport during Katrina. I don't know how the lived, but they did. They left and got up here on Friday. Power won't be back up down there for at least another month.