I ran across this yesterday and i had never seen it,,thought you guys might enjoy it. BTW,,for your viewing pleasure I suggest you mute the volume,,the cheesy film reel noise gets old fast. HRP <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/G-f-x1FCfGE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Wow, thanks HRP, what a brilliant find and to share it with us for Xmas. Henry sure had his hand in every part of the supply chain to make his cars - rubber plantations in the tropics for tyres, iron ore and coal mines to make his own cast iron and steel, forests for timber for bodies, silica for glass - you name it, he developed it and gave jobs to hundreds of thousands of people. He paid them well over minimum wage of the day - he was happy to share his wealth (but on his terms only) - his plan was that his employees could buy his cars too. What an awesome visionary and where would the world be today without him? He was one of a small handful of people who have changed the world for the better. Thanks again, and Merry Christmas to all.
Actually ... Henry Ford was the four/runner of Sam Walton. Walmart does a LOT of the same things in their business plan. It is just a different line of products and services ...
That is a myth. He paid more than prevailing wages to reduce employee turnover. Had nothing to do with them being able to purchase vehicles.