This is our daily driver Dagmar! She runs ok and shifts well and the brakes are really good, the interior was redone about 5 years ago when she was shipped to Sweden from california. The rest of her is pretty much junk so this will slowly turn into a build thread, the plans are a mild custom that we can drive to shows/partys all over Sweden. She has been in our family since august 2012. the po couldn´t do anything right so i see a lot of rewiring, welding, hammering, rebuilding and so on in the future! I think the rear needs to come a little closer to the ground and some trim must go, i have no real plans yet i will be winging it as i go!! Sigge!
I just heard on TV that if you have a resurrection lasting more than 4 hours you should contact a doctor immediately. Dagmar reminds me of the Frankensteine monster with that discolored left fender. Missing the stitches though. You'll have lots of fun with this one.
At somepoint someone rearended the old girl without any lubricant , and that gave her some problems with the trunkopening. the right side of the trunk is half an inch shorter then the right side I had to cut out a lot of rusted and bent stuff. i didn´t put in any bracing since everything was bent.
I pulled out one of my favorite tools, The vintage Blackhawk Porto Power! More pictures to follow when i use it to pull and push her trunk back to it´s normal shape!!
It's ALWAYS harder working on something that that had wayyyy too many hands on it before you got it! looks like your going to turn her around {for the good!}
Always good to see another old Caddy brought back to life...but Dagmar's Dagmars in '56 were downsized from the '55's size...gravity will do that to old age, ya know...!!! If you want to see my '55 Caddy build, go here: ...but be prepared to spend a few hours reading and studying pictures... R-
i Managed to straighthten out the right side of the trunk with the portopower, now i just have to weld in the new sheetmetal in the floor on that side . Then it´s time to do the same on the left side, she got hit pretty bad from behind but once i am done, the trunklid will close nicely again.