Just chiming in to say 'I hear you.' I've been following along, hoping that whatever was wrong would make itself right but it sounds like maybe it's one of those things that can never be made right, just lived through. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us - I wish we could help you share the load on this.
sorry man for the issues that have you down and out, hell it seems a lot of us have been there right with you, Ive been kicked in the nuts hard and often in the last 4 years, from miscarriages that led to divorce and a host of other issues in my life but with the help of my friends, family, girlfriend, and whatever car Ive had at the time Ive bounced back OK, still there are always going to be issues, for me winter sucks, the cars locked away until April and i have nothing to occupy my time but work, work and more work. keep your head up pal and stay strong for the fam, sounds like your a man of integrity and character from what others and your pop have said, take care man things will get better, i promise.
V8 therapy is the best there is. I've been without such for 2 years. Once the Coupe is on the road, I will never be without my iron shrink.
Great to see you back, Ryan. We met at Roundup a couple years ago and I'm proud to be able to recall that day. We've all "been there, done that" -- mine was in a '53 Ford 2-dr more than 50 years ago. Gonna go thrash my 'banger '30 coupe tomorrow and think of you (on the first dry day in a week). Fearless
You have absolutely no idea how badly I needed to read something like this. Life is... difficult to say the least. Thanks, hope all goes well.
Ryan, I too feel like life has thrown me a handful of shit lately. My brother died this fall. The circumstances of his death are uncertain, but we believe he was assaulted and died from his injuries. I have been angry twice. Once standing over his hospital bed during his three week stay in the icu. Once a week ago at his grave. I don't have my 50 Chevy on the road yet, but life seems easier when the carb needs rebuilt. I know how to fix that. The empty chair at Christmas, I don't know how to fix that. Keep writing, keep wrenching, and keep driving that coupe. If it weren't for you and this board, I would know nothing about how to fix my ride. If it weren't for you and this board, I would not be part of an awesome car club, the Crossmembers. If it weren't for you and this board, my sleepless nights would be less full. When life gives us problems we cannot fix, we need to focus on the things we can. Peace brother. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
When I've been at a low point, my savior is paddling out at my favorite break......sounds silly but it's spiritual to me.......You found your savior.....Good luck
What you said about driving your rod being "therapeutic" is right on the money, Hell, thats half the reason I do what i do. since I was a teenager, whenever life was getting me down or I had a bad day, I would hop in my 64 Impala and put my foot on the floor. It hasn't failed me yet.
Put it to the metal, pull second, smoke and sideways, up to third, sqawlin tires, motor pullin, solid cams revin......outlet for the bad shit......
You said in the article that it wasn't a good read.. It was. It totally made me remember why I miss my Harley so much. (I sold it to buy parts for my 52) It's been 4 years, And I've had no outlet for anger and frustration besides beating the hell outta something and welding it back together in the garage. I miss opening the stable and letting the horses run free. I miss not having a 2 phones, a radio, and a laptop with me at all times. Just me and my horsepowers.. Hopefully this year I can get this bitch on the road, and hopefully, like yours, I won't be fixing it! Glad to hear you're feeling a little better! (ps. My favorite line in the story is how you explained that a Shrink will never understand.. couldn't agree more)
Not much to add that hasn't already been said....nice to see that an ol Flathead engine was "part" of the cure.....talk to ya soon
xcellent therapy pal, I usually stop and look around and see so many people that would love to have things as nice as I have, feel better right away. Rock n Roll buddy, love the shot of the coupe by the outpost, cool!~sololobo~
Ryan, I can believe the support for you here. You are so respected and loved in the world wide hot rod community. Reading these posts and seeing the care from so many diverse individuals is heart rendering. This is a great thing you've done. I'm sorry for your tribulations. A guy shows up with a new hotrod. His friend asks "Where did you get this"? He said, " I was afraid of monsters under the bed so I went to the shrink. The shink told me we would need about 2 years of counseling to work through this. I thought 2 years at $300.00 a session. Ok, if it works thats good. So on the way home I stopped in for a beer. The conversation went to what I was going through and the bar tender told me I should just cut the legs off the bed. Well, with the money I saved I bought a hot rod."
That's been my therapy for years: problems in life, take it out on my hot rod or scooter. Go for a long hard drive or ride. Works every time. Glad your "back".
Wow! your story really drills it and puts a bolt in it. My cousin the one missing his finger tips on one hand and with the nasty fragmentation wounds, said to me, " I only worry about those things I can do something about, the rest is somebody else's job" I changed Forrest Gumps box of chocolates line to read "Life is like a load of horse shit, you know you'er gonna get it you just don't know how much." God loves you have no fear.
Ryan the story got me thinking about how famous old race cars hot rods live on long after the owner/ builder, kind of like a time capsule of memories, storys
Ryan - There is some stuff we were never meant to carry alone. I ran out of answers some time ago so I turned it over to someone Who can carry it for me... so I pray you too will find your way. Sounds like you got golden parents... that's a blessing for sure. We lost a very dear friend two days before Christmas last year for no good reason - stick close to your friends and family - they are a comfort when nothing makes any sense. We will keep you lifted up - now your's is to press on knowing you are loved and thought of. rg
Ryan THANKS FOR REACHING OUT!! FROM, ALL OF US Liver? Let's see. That's black cherries and golden seal.
great article... makes me want to shut my computers down, drvive home and yank mine out for the day... get the little supercharger all wound up. thanks for sharing ryan
Just found this and July 13, 1988 immediately came crashing back with a vengence. That's the day that should have been etched on my tombstone. It took 5 years, a loving, supportive wife, many friends and the grace of a powerful Heavenly Father to come out the other side. No matter what the burden He is more than up to the challenge and willing to walk with you through the storm. Prayer is on it's way in your behalf. Frank