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My Ego-Rama Thanks, Thoughts, and Trip Info Thread

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by hotrodladycrusr, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    I wanted to start off by thanking everyone, from the bottom of my heart, for all the Ego-Rama votes. Your support means the world to me. Makes a gal feel good when a group of hoodlums thinks she has what it takes to cruz across country, participate in a 7 day driving event, then cruz back home. I promise, I'll do the HAMB proud but, no matter what the outcome, the name of the game is to have a good time and that I will! :D

    My Dad was also selected. He realizes that it was probley the all powerful HAMB vote that did it for him and he thanks you all very much. Both Dad and I are no strangers to long distance cruzn in our cars. We've been long haulers on Hot Rod Mag's Power Tour many times, Detroit to San Berdoo, CA to Panama City Beach, FL to Detroit, just to name one of the long hauls. I have also participated a couple of times in the all girls Lipstick Run, one of which was over 6,000 miles. Four gals in four hot rods in 26 days.

    As excited as I am right now, and trust me I'm very, very excited to have the opportunity to do this but I'm sad too. I'm very emotional right now. It's a very, very sad time for many thousands of people in our country. Thousands have lost their lives, and many, many more thousands are homeless. I'm feeling great guilt right now thinking about all the money I'm going to be spending on fuel and stuff at a time when so many don't have one damn dime to their name. I'm also feeling guilty about using my time off for such a great adventure when others are going down south to help out.

    Am I doing the right thing? I've wanted to participate in Rod & Customs Asphalt Ego-Rama so bad, ever since the first time I saw the photos and read the story about the great time Sam had. I want to meet all my CA HAMB brothers and sisters, and those along the way. I want to help spread the gospel of traditional hot rods and customs. I want to proudly represent the female element in our hobby. I ask again, am I doing the right thing? Am I being selfish at a time when so many others are giving so much of themselves to help out others? I'm so confused.

    I am going, I don't have any doubt I'm not, I've looked forward to this for far too long but I am hoping that my overwhelming feelings of guilt goes away soon so I can enjoy the process of getting Big Olds ready, planning the route there and back, packing, etc.

    We are leaving the Metro Detroit area on Friday, Sept 23rd after I get off work and travel to the other side of Chicago that nite so we avoid the massive construction delays that Gary, IN and the surrounding area is famous for.:rolleyes:

    Weather permitting, (cuz I still don't have a top:D )we will travel 80 west to 29 north to 90 west and cruz thru the Black Hills stopping in Rapid City to see Tman, then into Yellowstone. We will take our time thru the Black Hills and Yellowstone and bonzi the boring highway parts. From Yellowstone will head south to Salt Lake City then 80 west again into Lake Tahoe arriving on Thursday the 29th. If you live along this route, please let me know. I would love to stop and say "hi", even if it's just for a few minutes....and to use your clean potty.:D

    The Ego-Rama will be starting on Friday the 30th and end on Thursday, Oct 6th. It's a seven day event this year and we'll be cruzn thru Yosemite (from what I remember being told) We haven't gotten an exact route yet. No matter, I don't really care where we go as long as I'm having fun. I do have one regret about the route though, it doesn't seem like I'm going to have the opportunity to stop in and see my dear friend Mike Bishop or Vern's shop or visit with Kent Fuller. I guess I was being unrealistic trying to do so much in the 9 days I'll be in CA. Please forgive me Mike.:(

    I am looking forward to meeting many others for the first time. But do keep in mind by the time I meet you I'll have been on the road for at least 10 days. Why am I mentioning this, well, you see, I will not be bringing any cookies with me. I just have no way of keeping them fresh for that long. Big Olds is made of steel, not plastic, and steel just doesn't keep things fresh for long. Also, since I do not have room for my Easy Bake Oven I will not be able to bake them once I get there. You guys will just have to believe the midwest guys when they tell you they're very yummy. Sorry ShortBus.;)

    The IT guy from work is going to try to hook me up with a laptop so I can give the HAMB and RRT, daily updates on my adventure like Loudpedal did. I know I enjoyed his updates and many others said the same thing. I want to try to convey the trip via photos and words for you guys. It's the least I can do. If anyone wants to call to say hi while I'm on the road, feel free. I have Sprint service and it should work along most of the major highways we'll be traveling. 734-673-6930

    Although no one will physically be sitting in Big Olds next to me, I kinda feel ALL my HAMB brothers and sisters will be traveling with me. It's a great, warm, fuzzy feeling. It also gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling that HAMB guys Phat Rat and 47Forvette got voted in as well. One, big, happy family that supports each other.

    I'm also looking forward to spending time with Jim Shelton and getting to know him. From what I've been told, he's a great guy and I can't wait to meet him. Rich Gausco was also voted in and another one that I'm really looking forward to meeting in person. He's having some health issues right now so perhaps if we all say a prayer everything will work out and he'll be just fine and able to participate.

    Thanks once again to each and every one of you that voted. Whether you voted for me or not, you took the time to cast your vote and thats whats important.
  2. Bullet Nose
    Joined: Nov 20, 2001
    Posts: 2,676

    Bullet Nose

    Is that Jim Sheldon or Jim Shelton? Jim Sheldon said he might be stopping in Lake Havasu City to take a look around. Any chance you'll be following him? I sent him an E-mail but haven't heard back from him. I guess that may be on your way home....
  3. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    So YOUR the one:D

    Jim Shelton = complete stranger

    Jim Sheldon = My Dad

    It WILL be confusing to some on the trip I'm sure. :eek:

    Yes, we will be stopping in Lake Havasu on the way home, probley Oct 7th. Dad wants to stay there till the show the following week but Mom says it's too long to be away from home. Folks are in Pigon Forge right now, but I'm sure he'll get back to you once he gets home.

    Looking forward to meeting you in person next month.
  4. In case I don't get to see or talk to you before you leave Denise,keep the shiny side up and have a GREAT time!Looking forward to your road stories.
  5. Have a GREAT time!

    (I know you will) :D

  6. Jim Shelton will be a total stranger for about two minuets after you meet him. He is a great guy who is a food and wine expert as well as a very active hot rodder. His 327/5 speed '32 roadster has a ton of miles on it and he has another one at home that used to belong to a guy named Baskerville. You will be driving within 2 miles of my home when you pass the Air Force museum in Roy, Utah, just a mile or two south of Ogden on I-15. Unfortunately, I will be leaving for Bakersfield and the Hot Rod Reunion on Wednesday with my two sons in my '47 Sedan and won't be around to see you in person. Loudpedal lives along the way as well, just a few miles south of me. You may want to give him a shout. Best of luck to you and all of the other folks who were selected. I wish you well!!
  7. OldSub
    Joined: Aug 27, 2003
    Posts: 1,064

    Member Emeritus

    Congratulations and have a great time!

    If you stayed on I-90 all the way to the end and then go 15 miles farther, I could offer a clean bathroom. At least two days drive out of your way...

    Give us fun and exciting reports of Ego-Rama and I'll make a contribution to hurricane relief in your name. I've already made one in my own name.
  8. ~E~
    Joined: Feb 23, 2005
    Posts: 214


    Denise- have a good and safe trip. If you are in N. Lake Tahoe at dinner time and are a steak lover be sure to check out the Old Range Steakhouse. Great food and wine- no attitude and great service- not a tourist trap. If you have never been to LT you will be amazed, it is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Don't worry about the gulf coast- everyone is doing their part. The PEOPLE of this country always come through. Now show'em what Big Olds can do!

  9. speedaddict
    Joined: Sep 28, 2002
    Posts: 2,420

    from Austin, Tx

    This little asian is happy for you Denise. I hope you have fun and bake me some cookies when you get back would ya? I missed out this year not attending the DRAGS.

  10. ShortBus
    Joined: Dec 31, 1969
    Posts: 916


    Waaaaah! no cookies for shortbus :(

    You're going to have fun on the trip. Bernsau is one of the coolest people I know. Drive fast and swerve.. and don't take any guff from Jamass.

    OFOF- Ego-Rama is supposed to come into Bakersfield that sunday eve. Ironworks has mentioned (in a different thread) an open house at his shop, perhaps you can stay a little longer?
  11. We'all are riding with be careful !! :):)
    Seriously couldnt happen to a nicer gal..and we've never met..and i'm the cynical one:)
    Good Luck and may the force be with you :)
  12. Skate Fink
    Joined: Jul 31, 2001
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    Skate Fink
    Member Emeritus

    .........Bon Voyage mon cherie...............:D
  13. REJ
    Joined: Mar 4, 2004
    Posts: 1,612

    from FLA

    Have yourself a good time and be safe
  14. tommy
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    Have fun!

    Shit can that guilt complex. If you can get that lap top thing working, there will be thousands tuning in each night for your report. You are providing a very pleasant diversion for people from all over the globe to get away from whatever was bothering them.

    With the thousands of friends riding with you, that is going to be one crowded Oldsmobile!! We are all pulling for ya!
  15. Terry
    Joined: Jul 3, 2002
    Posts: 1,824



    You about to do something that everyone here would love to be able to do. But I can not think of anyone more deserving than you! You are a fantastic representive for our hobby/lifestlye, and having you out there "spreading the gospel" is proof that good things somtimes do happen to good people.

    I would not feel one bit guilty about the trip. Remember that there will be thousands reading your story and you will be giving them a moment to escape whatever stituation they find themselves in, and live a dream and smile through your eyes.

    Miss Tina, Samuel and I are so happy for you, your Dad and the others that made the cut! And proud to call you a friend! Tina says to tell you she will give you a call and check in with you on the road.

    God speed to you Denise, and Mr. Big Olds!

    Beside now I can sound more important around the local Bench Racing sessions. "Yeah, I got this friend that did the Ego-rama...." LOL!
  16. oldandkrusty
    Joined: Oct 8, 2002
    Posts: 2,141


    Denise, I wanted to write some of my own words about your upcoming Ego-rama trip. But, after reading Terry's comments all I can say is "What he said"!

    Enjoy yourself and keep in touch with us stay-at-home HAMBers through the use of your loaner laptop.
  17. blown49
    Joined: Jul 25, 2004
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    What Terry said and more! :D
  18. Thirdyfivepickup
    Joined: Nov 5, 2002
    Posts: 6,095


    Shotgun!! (I mean, if we are all riding with you, I called it first!)

    Good luck! Keep my number handy if you (or anyone else competing) run into any snags. I've got $8,000,000 worth of parts about 30 feet from me and the phone numbers to 250 different manufacturers at my fingertips. If something breaks, I should be able to get parts to ya!)

    800 424 8741 x159
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
  19. hotrodladycrusr
    Joined: Sep 20, 2002
    Posts: 20,765


    Thanks for all the kind words and well wishes everyone, they mean alot to me.

    He'll probley end up being my best bud by the end of hte trip:D
    Sorry we're going to miss you while cruzn thru Ogden. Perhaps I'll see you at Ironworks party on that Sunday.

    Thanks bud, appreciate that.

    I am a meat eater so it sounds like the PERFECT place to eat with our group while there. Thanks for the heads up.

    Ya, I got YOUR number.....:D
    Sorry I'm going to miss you at the PileUp. I was really looking forward to one of your hugs. I'll see you here in Detroit in March for the Autorama right??:cool:
  20. Let me know when you are getting close to Rapid. We will figure out something cool to do, lots of good eateries.

    And dont feel bad about going! You of all people have given and given! You deserve this trip more than anyone. :)
  21. AZAV8
    Joined: May 3, 2005
    Posts: 997

    from Tucson, AZ

    About this guilt was said earlier, can it. This is a great opportunity for you that comes around once in your lifetime. NOW is your opportunity to take advantage of it. So take advantage. There will be other hurricanes and other chances to volunteer to help others in need. There will always be disasters and people in need. But there is only ONE Asphalt Ego-rama where Denise is voted in to participate. Enjoy youself and the opportunity to spend time with your family on a great adventure doing something you really enjoy.

    I'm disappointed that I won't get my cookies for voting for you and your Dad. Since you're going to Lake Havasu City around Oct. 7, you are close to us HAMBers in Phoenix. I won't be able to see you as I have to get a root canal re-done on the 7th and I'm sure I'll be recovering on that week-end.

    Enjoy yourself and I'll be looking forward to the updates posted here. Stay safe out there and I know you will do us proud.
  22. raven
    Joined: Aug 19, 2002
    Posts: 4,707


    I really hope you are bringing some slicks to improve the quarter-mile times.
    I saw how you roasted the tires on take-off at last year's HAMB drags.
    Good luck and have a safe trip.
    We'll keep the light on.
  23. andysdeuce
    Joined: Jan 13, 2002
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    Go get 'em girl!!! You rock!!!!:D
  24. squigy
    Joined: Nov 30, 2003
    Posts: 3,915

    from SO.FLO.

    Go Go Go!!!!
  25. 40StudeDude
    Joined: Sep 19, 2002
    Posts: 9,561


    Good luck on the Ego-Rama, Denise, and the trip...however, last time I made the trip to the Lake Havasu rod run I couldn't find a place to park my car, in the evening, for all the trailers taking up every available space in and out of the hotel parking lots...I'm not sure they'd UNDERSTAND what it means to DRIVE a car as far as you do...or have.

    If your Dad enjoys tons of billet and oversized wheels, then Lake Havasu is a good run to attend...

  26. Aaron51chevy
    Joined: Jan 9, 2005
    Posts: 1,986


    Good luck Denise! Have fun and stay safe!
  27. orange52
    Joined: Feb 21, 2003
    Posts: 464



    I never would have thought that bribery via Chocolate Chip Cookies would have paid off! :)
  28. monsterflake
    Joined: May 13, 2003
    Posts: 3,763


    an empty seat? is it too late to send a cry-baby doll mascot?
  29. stan292
    Joined: Dec 6, 2002
    Posts: 858


    Denise -

    What better use for my 200th HAMB post than to pass on my congrats to you, your dad, and the other Ego-Rama HAMBers?

    Nobody on the HAMB deserves this more. I can't wait to see the "bigtime" media coverage for you and the Olds. Give 'em hell, kid!

    Have fun, all of you - and take care.
  30. Wishing you a safe and fun filled time on the road with no broken parts and lot's of dry weather!!! :)

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