Is there a commonly know disc brake conversion for the bullet birds? stainless steel brake's only kit for a 1963 Ford, is for the Galaxie, any chance both being full size cars, that this kit is interchangable.
I've seen a few kit's out ther but can't remember the names But you will more than likely have to go with 15" rims The 14"s won't clear the calipers
Contact SSBC and ask them direct - there's a pretty good chance it will suit, but they will know for sure. When you get your kit sorted out, dont forget to post a build thread of you doing it. Cheers.
I checked rockauto and it looks like galaxies and t-birds use the same inner wheel bearing (BR6) but a different outer bearing (BR2) for galaxie and (BR3) for t-bird. So, unless the kit comes with spindles, I would guess it would not fit the bird. Of course, as dad-bud said, you could ask them Ron.
Thanks guys, I'm about to trade a Gibson ES345 for the T bird, just wanted to see what was out there before I pulled the trigger
just make your own. i just used some wrangler rotors and s10 calipers. it took the afternoon to whip up some brackets, and some trail fitting. i ended up having to use a 1/4" spacer and a little massaging on the caliper but i got the stock drum 14"s to fit. if you go the slip on rotor route, you should take the stock hubs in and have them trued up. mine was just about fubared from the tire monkeys using impacts on the pass side reversed threads.
65-66 T-birds have disk brakes that will bolt onto your 63. Join a demo derby forum and offer to swap your spindles and drums + cash for 65-66 spindles and rotors. The derby forums are also a good place to find other parts for your 63. Good luck Carmak