left Puyallup in the rain, sky became almost black with clouds and dumped like a cow pissin on a flat rock about an hour and a half on the road and it started looking a little more promising by the time I got to Fred's it had all but cleared up got a look at the HAMB raffle motor, man I know the owner is going to happy with that thing, it is sweet. right next to it is my motor, soon to get the vintage Cragar driven 471 to top it off, I can hardly wait! it aughta make my little A scoot! Fred's shop is clean and well organized, motors at one end and his A project center stage we rode out to the airstrip to check things out, I picked up my Hursts and we wandered around for a bit, shook hands with a few HAMBers and had to go. did get to see and hear a couple cars fire up, great show and the weather was even decent!
that's about it for that. Keith thanks for the invite, sorry I had to miss out on the Bar-B-Qs and garage crawl, that sounded like fun.. next time I geuss. Paul
Hey Paul! Rocket88 and I tried to find ya..but..alas.. although we did manage to hook up with TonyBones ,Comet,OLDBEET,Kmember,Fedsled and Cody fromHotRod rubber (nice to meet you guys) ....and a whole bunch of our OlPoop Friends ! It was a cool lil shindig ! I'll try to post some pics too
Yeah, a great time and we got lucky on the weather. Like Paul said, rained like hell on the way up. You guys took most of the same pics I did. Here's a couple new ones and some different angles. Wished Tony Bones and I could have stayed around for K-Members BBQ, but we had some things to do. It was good meeting some new HAMBers (Rocket88 and The Rev) today too!
Awesome pics! That had to be a great time. They just don't build 'em like that anymore, I'm just glad they save 'em. Thanks for sharing. Joel
It was cool as hell hearing these cars fire up and watch the crowds flock like moths to a lantern. That salt flat roadster has run 156.5mph on the flats and had the sweetest sounding flatty motor I think I have ever heard. Started effortlessly. Old Beet and I were chatting about how smooth, yet wicked it was. That green car named Nanook had the most wicked sounding Hemi in it. I think Tony Bones put it best: "If Satan has a voice, that is what it sounds like!" It's great to see these old survivors, most of them no longer able to run due to outdated designs, etc. You gotta be passionate to have a car that you can not drive on the street or the strip anymore. I, for one, am thankful to all of you guys keeping the flame lit!
No A at the drags....there is a restless chill in the pacific northwest winds........old fires are being rekindled.............there may even be a plan, and it smells of methanol...... MOKAN 06........
Had a great time, saw a lot of friends. Cool cars everywhere. That white Ranchero in pic #5 had a SOHC 427 Ford and a 4 speed. Lots of good burnouts for a while!!! Real good turnout, all proceeds went to the Boys and Girls club. Will just be that much bigger next year!!!! Thanks all!.......OLDBEET
LOL, great pic! Man, I have no idea how you got your legs in that digger!?! I also took a pic of the cockpit because of the lack of room to get your legs over the axle. Musta took you 20 min. just to get back out. So, how was the BBQ? Any pics from that? I was looking for another post, but didn't find one.
Great pics, I see KustomBuick and his dad (66 Rivi) made it up there. I am not a huge pro-street willy's fan but that flatblack on unpolished rims just looks nasty. WOW
That steel Willys had the same owner for over 20 years, I put the glass in it soon after he got it. We call him "Crazy Mike", always buildin and sellin wild stuff in his one car shed...........OLDBEET
You seen me, hell, I'm short and fat too, I just "popped" right out. Fit like a glove. The Q was a blast, due to graphic nudity and high stakes gambling no pics were premitted. It was nice to meet you BTW.
Haha! Didn't even need any grease on the hips!?! Damn, now I'm really pissed I missed the BBQ. Oh well, maybe next year (assuming the neighbors, cops and city council don't find out about it! ) BTW Keith, we BS'ed a little about your job situation at the first Good Guys Nostaglia Drags on the Friday before GG show. I think that was the first time we met. You're kinda hard to forget! I tend to blend in-easy to forget. I'd make a good secret agent I think...(hey...wait, maybe I am-you punks better watch those parties from now on! ). I think I've met Dale like 5 times now and he asks me everytime if we've ever met! LOL! I gave up and just say, "no, nice to meet you."