Any custom guys up in NV think they might have any leads on something like this? We are on a 10 yr+ search for my Fathers last Cole runner bottom dragboat. A light lay up TR2. My Dad ordered it from Jim Cole, Dad rigged it, Dick Vale painted it. "White Lightnin III'". He took points in Pro Stock Flat NJBA in 78 & 79. Ran with Ervolina, Kyees, ect. Any help please. Last knew went to Nevada 25 years ago. FIND BOAT OR GUY WHO HAD IT, REWARD!!! He sold it to a guy in Nevada, Reno area. The guy worked for a grocery store, and check came from a grocery store credit union we believe. He drove to Pomona CA to pick it up from us. Was taking it less motor and another guy had a motor. They planned to go racing. Last anyone heard/saw of the boat. REALLY like to get it back asap. PLEASE HELP!! If you might have known anyone with a flat bottom in the 80's in the area, it might be who I am looking for. Ellis trailer Lic# PF7504 MAKE/ COLE BOAT HIN# CEM378CV0278 AZ NO. 381 V Geoff 909-921-9742 CALL OR TEXT ANY INFO ANYTIME
If anyone knows a fellow car/boat enthusiast in the area(Reno/Tahoe) maybe you could fwd a link on this deal? Any help is huge guys, def a reward offered on it. Thanks!! His prior Hondo that was later crashed @ Bluewater. I know a lot of old racers have turned into big car guys in their later years. Just hoping it might ring a bell. Thanks for looking!! Much appreciated!!