I've only been on The H.A.M.B. for two weeks and just wanted to say this place rocks! There seems to always be 250-300 people on this forum and the subject matter is very open to almost any old car subject. Any way that's my 2 cents worth. Snappydwp1
Well thank you for pointing that out, "Captain Obvious". Is that your model T you are modelling in the pic? Is that you, or just some guy you thought was cute so you had him stand by your model T? Just joking around a little.... I would like to see more pics of the T if its yours. I've been daydreaming about building a super old timey build. Like nothing on it later than 1929 or something.
Yeah, that's me wearing the straw boater, with a nice restored Maxwell at our April swapmeet that we have here in Bakersfield every year. Here's a picture of me, on the left, in full costume and my friend Daniel and his 1917 T. And a shot of my old 26 jalopy.
Nice lookin T. alot of guys'll spank on it cause its "all there" or what not, but hell i still dig seein em in unmolested shape as well...
The HAMB is busier than Walmart ! So, are you into Tradional HOTROD's and Death Rods ? ....or Antique Stockers
I got alot of respect for anyone how can even DRIVE somrthing like that. I went for a ride in a 1917 T and couldn`t belive what all was involved just to get up to speed! All them pedals, levers, sheeez! Nice rides though and I too am a big fan of the original T`s. Thank`s for sharing. Did you get that hat from the Speedy Bill Smith collection?
Oops, its a Maxwell? That just goes to show how much I know. Nice vehicles you got there! You are welcome here anytime....but OH, the things I would like to do to that T roadster... Are your machines hopped up in any way? If not...WHY NOT. Where can I get an old timey hat like that!?!?!? For real. TINGLER
I'm running pretty much original on the T and the 36. I think I'm one of the few and proud still running 6 volts, 4 coils and non Bosch distributor on a T in our local T club. You'd be suprised at the number of Model Ts that look original but can get rolling up to 60 mph here in our area. These guys are crazy. I am running a gear driven alternator that puts out 6 volt power. I just got tired of messing with the old generators. And the first thing I did to the T after I bought it was to install a Ruxtell 2 speed rear axle. It really makes driving a T alot more fun up hills. Hmmm, the hat. Well I found that one at an antique shop over on the coast a few years ago. Finally found one that fit my football shaped head just right. Size 7 3/8 Long Oval. I really like the old style flat head hot rods. I don't think I would ever build one myself, I've got to much to do now with my 26 and 36. But this is a great place to learn about such thing and who knows. Maybe some day you'll see a picture on here of a V8 60 in my T.
I've lived here my entire life and never saw ANYONE dressed that way........I wanna come out and play! There's a whole club of unmolested A's and T's here. They came to my work and lined them up for a picture in front of the building.........it was SCHO CUTE! Busy like Wal Mart on the first o da month! xxx Brandy
I was just out to a guys farm the other day for work and he had a bunch of old Ts out there, semi-restored/original shape. Pretty neat to look at. You seem like you have a pretty good attitude, nice to have people like you around the hamb, maybe it'll rub off. lol.
So it's OK with your T club buddies to modify the car to do 60, but it's not OK to make it do 120... hmmm Welcome, glad your here, maybe you can point us to some tin too rough for restorers.
Alright--cars are a HUGE part of my life. Okay--it damn near revolves around them. I know that one day, when I'm very old, I will hit that point of being the old idiot who can't drive and shouldn't be on the road anymore. We all will. But here's my plan: Those guys are all in big, modern cars--closed off from everything around them. They don't realize they're driving slow...they don't realize they can't see at night...they don't realize anything because they're driving in their little enclosed enviroment, and that "protection" and "insulation" is hiding and masking their short comings. So, I'm going to build me a Model T speedster when I hit that age. No top, so I can't drive in the rain. Crappy headlights, so I can't drive at night. Not much of a top end, so I won't be driving faster than my reflexes. Even if the car will do 60mph, it'll feel a helluva lot faster in an open car, so I probably won't go that fast. But it'll still be a hot rod. And then, instead of being the annoying old man who should be on the road, I'll be that old guy who drives his antique car into town to do his banking and shopping. Independence and an automobile go hand-in-hand. Won't EVER be without both. So you and your friends keep those relics and parts around for the next 45 years, will ya? Keep your hats, though--I'm wearing aviation goggles and a white scarf trailing three feet behind me. -Brad
Thanks Fry. I think what I like best about people's projects on here is for the most part everbody seems like regular working folks that are building cars that they are having fun building and not so much interested in trophy cars. I really like the no paint, rust finish that some of your cars have.
Snappy..those are beautiful...but 'id run if i were you...turn your back and they'll steal your shoes !! Just joking..but i'm a little concerned for your safety...lmao..(said in a hillbilly voice).."they dont take kindly to tin huggers in these parts"
If I was you, I'd chop that hat and french in the hat band. Maybe channel it over your ears a little. Sorry I can't get off the hat topic. Nice cars though. I have a lot of respect for keeping things original and driving them that way.