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A gripe about Master cylinders

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by porkchop4464, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. cornbinder52
    Joined: Dec 31, 2006
    Posts: 385


    Drove my 90 f150 with a blown rear line for three weeks before I could get it fixed. Brakes were shitty, but drove to St. Louis from home (3 hrs) twice on "no" brakes. Got to pay attention of what's ahead of you. Same on my 79 f 150. Rear line blew and moisture ruined the proportioning valve. If dual circuit is working properly you should still have brakes. Still don't have rears on the 79.

    Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
  2. S_Mazza
    Joined: Apr 27, 2011
    Posts: 363


    Stumbled across this page today. Lots of "interesting" reading about brake line failures on GM trucks and vans.

    I found it interesting how many people said they lost all brakes, or nearly all brakes. In many cases, it was due to multiple brake line failures at once. Rust being the original cause, of course.

    Better look under my car when I get home ...
  3. S_Mazza
    Joined: Apr 27, 2011
    Posts: 363


    Stumbled across this page today. Lots of "interesting" reading about brake line failures on GM trucks and vans.

    I found it interesting how many people said they lost all brakes, or nearly all brakes, at the time of the failure. Pedal to the floor and still not stopping. In many cases, it was due to multiple brake line failures at once. Rust being the original cause, of course.

    Better look under my car when I get home ...
  4. tommy
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    I find it interesting that there seem to be a lot of failures on cars from the 90s. I never had a brake line rust out or "pop" as you say. The first line to pop was the one to the rear wheels. Way up high just under the bed where it turned down to the crossmember. Visual inspection would never have suspected a thing. The line was still shiny. a year or so later a front line popped going from the distribution block to the RF wheel. All the old cars that I have had and I've never had a brake line burst. it seems to be a modern problem possibly due to shoddy materials. JMHO
  5. mgtstumpy
    Joined: Jul 20, 2006
    Posts: 9,239


    Mandatory tandem M/C here if you want registration, better to be safe than sorry.
  6. papajohn
    Joined: Nov 2, 2006
    Posts: 902


    I disagree. I popped a rear line in my daughter's OT tracker, and drove it to work and back. Didn't have great brakes, but they were there and they stopped it. I have had the same thing happen in a single cylinder car, and had nothing at all.
  7. LSR 2909
    Joined: May 10, 2012
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    LSR 2909
    from Colorado

  8. porkchop4464
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 880


    What's this about then?

    From: NHTSA's Ongoing Investigation of GM Truck Brake Line Corrosion n 2010,

    The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) began a preliminary investigation into complaints from owners whose GM vehicles experienced brake line corrosion. Over 6-million trucks and SUVs (1999 - 2003 models) were included in the preliminary look at the problem. The ODI determined that the issue occurs most often in salt-belt vehicles, areas where winter weather requires the use of harsh chemicals to rid roads of snow and ice, saying that, in those areas, 43 trucks per 100,000 vehicles seem to be affected, versus 3 vehicles per 100,000 in other states.
    General Motors has said that the vehicles should still be able to stop, even if a failure occurs, and that in most cases the warning lamp will light-up before brake levels are low enough to cause a total brake failure, but the NHTSA reports that in 25-percent of the failures, drivers received no warning. Stopping distances for some drivers were too long to avoid a crash, and other drivers steered their trucks into another lane or off the road to avoid a wreck.
  9. porkchop4464
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 880


    As noted above in the article, and by so many on this site as well, when the pedal goes to the floor, regardless if there is a 1/4 inch and you can't stop within a couple hundred feet - you have no breaks! Period! There are too many who have supported it and who it happened to.
  10. CutawayAl
    Joined: Aug 3, 2009
    Posts: 2,144

    from MI

    I assume you meant brakes instead of "breaks"? If the brakes are spit front-rear(as nearly all older cars were) and you lose the front brakes, rears brakes alone don't stop very well. But, it's way better than nothing. To avoid the rear only problem, newer cars are usually split diagonally, meaning one front and the opposite rear on each half of the system.
  11. S_Mazza
    Joined: Apr 27, 2011
    Posts: 363


    Yes, but experiences of failure vary greatly. One the one hand, you have a guy who drove around in his daughter's Tracker with one front and one rear and thought it was reasonably safe. And on the other hand are dozens of people who had complete or almost complete loss of brakes - as noted in the complaints leading to the NHTSA investigation that is happening right now.
  12. CutawayAl
    Joined: Aug 3, 2009
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    from MI

    The NHTSA info posted here didn't say there were complete failures, it says stopping distances were too great to avoid an accident. While that can happen anytime you lose half your brakes, the biggest problem is when the rears fail on a front-rear split. Having skidded through a red light at a busy intersection with rear wheels locked, I got to experience that first hand.

    NHTSA is saying 43 per 100,000. I don't have anything official, but some cars seem to have a higher incidence than that of rusted brake lines. The rusty brake line issue is eventually going to hit the fan. A number of years ago the S.A.E. recommended switching to cupro-nickel(Cunifer) lines. A few high end cars use it. Mainstream manufacturers would apparently rather save the cost and take their chances.
  13. Heo2
    Joined: Aug 9, 2011
    Posts: 660


    If it empty both pots its obvious that there is a internal leak in the
    master cylinder if you understod the basics of a hydrualic system
    you had been abel to figure that out
    if yo loose one circuit and have to pump the brakes there is
    an internal leak those who dont understand that should not
    mess around with the brakes. Farm it out to some one who
    know how to service brakes and stop spreading missinformation
    based on your own lack of skills
  14. S_Mazza
    Joined: Apr 27, 2011
    Posts: 363


    If there is an internal leak in the MC with no outward warning signs, doesn't that rather prove the point that you can get a false sense of security?
  15. Heo2
    Joined: Aug 9, 2011
    Posts: 660


    Well take all brake parts of the car then you
    dont get any false sense of security at all
  16. S_Mazza
    Joined: Apr 27, 2011
    Posts: 363


    Haha. That's one way to look at it.

    Your statement reminds me of a family member who will notice a problem with her car, or her house's electrical panel, or what ever the object may be, and she asks me, "What's the worst thing that could happen if I keep using it?" But when I tell her that, yes, there is a chance that her house could burn to the ground and everyone could die, she never seems too happy with me. :rolleyes:

    I would personally rather understand the risks instead of sticking my head in the sand. Then I can enjoy the safety features provided without unrealistic expectations of what they can do.
  17. CutawayAl
    Joined: Aug 3, 2009
    Posts: 2,144

    from MI

    The problem is; brake fluid is sneaky and can't be trusted. It works in darkness and seclusion. With no means of direct oversight it is free to become insubordinate at any time, without warning. Cable operated brakes on the other hand; you can watch them do their work. Nothing is hidden or abstract. If they were any simpler they wouldn't work. Hydraulic brakes were introduced by aliens as a way to slowly take over the world.

    Now about jet engines; like hydraulic brakes, they are sneaky. You can't see that they are doing. Am I supposed to believe you can build a fire in a tube and not have it come out of both ends? With propellers you can see them auguring through the air. Propellers are honest like cable brakes.

    Automatic transmissions; I have had those apart and I say there is no way they can actually work. Radio waves, electricity, magnetism, evidence of alien infiltration is everywhere.:D
  18. porkchop4464
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 880


    Tommy, I agree with you; I think the anwser falls in the big companies investing the extra 100 bucks per car (if that much per car considering how much stock they buy) and using stainless.
  19. porkchop4464
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 880


    Really? "Breaks" is the response for a "gotcha!" line? You can't even get a simple play on words – a pun? Man! I know I wrote it quickly, and didn’t give it much mind, but damn! What is this site coming to? It is true, I may be slipping with too many irons in the fire as of late. I haven't been on as much as I'd like. People, we are better than this. Regardless of the nine examples, and one "it happened to me," it's still being argued? Okay, I'm calling the nine out, and my account as well. Damn liars!
    Regardless, keep it going; this thing might just make 30 pages!
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
  20. porkchop4464
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 880


    As Cousin Brucie says, "...and The hits just keep right on coming!" CBS FM, 101.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
  21. porkchop4464
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 880


    Oh, and one last one. Great attack Heo2! You bring up the point that the internals of a master can, in fact, leak, and as a result, all brakes will be lost. So having a two pot system without a line even breaking (not braking) you can lose all brakes as well? Thanks for the fuel for my fire. Point being, the system is not what it’s cracked up to be. The big companies don’t care about your safety. If so, the lines would be stainless and there would be two separated cylinders that can’t bleed. Anyway, if you are going to debate, use effective points to prove your final message. If you, instead, use comedy, sarcasm and foolishness, you only support the other party and are no longer successfully debating, you are simply a masturbator. Dem's is the breaks; no, sorry, I meant the brakes - or did I?
  22. CutawayAl
    Joined: Aug 3, 2009
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    from MI

    What "gotcha" are you talking about? Did you read my response to the NHTSA post?

    As to "breaks", I barely passed high school English so I don't have much of a foundation for correcting others. I was just surprised to see that common mistake from one who claims to be a teacher of high school English. .:confused:
  23. Dan Timberlake
    Joined: Apr 28, 2010
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    Dan Timberlake

    Joined: Nov 22, 2005
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    I will say this....I don't see the point of a dual master cylinder that's got a transfer groove that runs the entire height of the resevoir divider. That's the setup my ex-wife's Grand Voyager has, and when she blew a brake line, it used up all of the fluid from both chambers in short order....she may as well have been driving a '49 Ford.
  25. porkchop4464
    Joined: Jan 20, 2009
    Posts: 880


    <!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:WordDocument> <w:View>Normal</w:View> <w:Zoom>0</w:Zoom> <w:TrackMoves/> <w:TrackFormatting/> <w:DoNotShowRevisions/> <w:DoNotPrintRevisions/> <w:DoNotShowMarkup/> <w:DoNotShowComments/> <w:DoNotShowInsertionsAndDeletions/> <w:DoNotShowPropertyChanges/> <w:punctuationKerning/> <w:ValidateAgainstSchemas/> <w:SaveIfXMLInvalid>false</w:SaveIfXMLInvalid> <w:IgnoreMixedContent>false</w:IgnoreMixedContent> <w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText>false</w:AlwaysShowPlaceholderText> <w:DoNotPromoteQF/> <w:LidThemeOther>EN-US</w:LidThemeOther> <w:LidThemeAsian>X-NONE</w:LidThemeAsian> <w:LidThemeComplexScript>X-NONE</w:LidThemeComplexScript> <w:Compatibility> <w:BreakWrappedTables/> <w:SnapToGridInCell/> <w:WrapTextWithPunct/> <w:UseAsianBreakRules/> <w:DontGrowAutofit/> <w:SplitPgBreakAndParaMark/> <w:DontVertAlignCellWithSp/> <w:DontBreakConstrainedForcedTables/> <w:DontVertAlignInTxbx/> <w:Word11KerningPairs/> <w:CachedColBalance/> </w:Compatibility> <w:BrowserLevel>MicrosoftInternetExplorer4</w:BrowserLevel> <m:mathPr> <m:mathFont m:val="Cambria Math"/> <m:brkBin m:val="before"/> <m:brkBinSub m:val="--"/> <m:smallFrac m:val="off"/> <m:dispDef/> <m:lMargin m:val="0"/> <m:rMargin m:val="0"/> <m:defJc m:val="centerGroup"/> <m:wrapIndent m:val="1440"/> <m:intLim m:val="subSup"/> <m:naryLim m:val="undOvr"/> </m:mathPr></w:WordDocument> </xml><![endif]--> Heathen, this is what I was attempting to say. Of all the cars I have owned, I have experienced both scenarios noted on this long post. A few pages back, I told the story of a Rabbit I owned in the Eighties that I drove around for a while until I junked it with just one pot hooked up because of a rusted line that I beat closed and vise gripped. But I have also, in my travels, owned an Explorer (94) a K car (88) and a Plymouth Voyager (96), and when each popped a line you just couldn&#8217;t drive them.

    The reason I originally started this post was out of true anger and frustration. About a year ago, I picked up a Dodge Caravan to drive back and forth to work and spare my car from the salt up my way during the winters. Anyway, I picked up this 2000 Caravan for a grand. The van, as I know all too well, has the often mentioned, and in my opinion, worthless cross brake line setup (front to back /left to right system).

    Anyway, I went out one morning to go to work (not too many months ago), started it up, pushed down the brake pedal and it went slowly to the floor. Turns out the rear brake line popped and within a few pumps it had pissed all over the undercarriage and my driveway. The line rotted in an odd spot where it&#8217;s hard to see as it crossed over the dummy axle and fuel cell in the rear of the van. The pedal, in my drive way, after five or six pumps was to the floor &#8211; period.

    Long story short, about 150 bucks in lines, a master cylinder, and an entire weekend of working with the factory ends and a cheap flaring block, I restrung that convoluted cross-eyed botch of a system; and I am not even going to go into the nonsense of dealing with the frozen load sensor/leveling valve in the rear of the van. But after ripping every line out and replacing each, she stops like a dream now; and I drive that piece of crap to work every day.

    It comes down to crap materials and saving money &#8211; plain and simple. Again, why are there not stainless lines or separate cylinders? Why are the plungers/rings for each pot on the same shaft? Grime can cause grooves and make way down the entire length of the cylinder when both pots share the same shaft and bore. Sorry! I never suggested a conspiracy. It simply boils down to a cheap and crappy design.
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  26. Dapostman
    Joined: Apr 24, 2011
    Posts: 294


    I had This happen on an 80's K, no divider whatsoever, went from normal to zero in one stop. I'm planing twin masters and a balance bar, I also get true redundancy.
  27. TrampSteer
    Joined: Nov 2, 2013
    Posts: 2


    I heard years ago that they were experimenting with this in Wisconsin where I grew up. After a particularly horrifying accident they reviewed the voice recorder from the pickup truck and the last thing they heard was "Here, hold my beer. I'm gonna try something."

    True story.

  28. ago
    Joined: Oct 12, 2005
    Posts: 2,198

    from pgh. pa.

    I see plenty of photos of cars built with too little M/C travel. If you can't bottom the master cylinder completely with no fluid in it. THE DUAL SAFETY SYSTEM WONT WORK.

  29. tikiwagon13
    Joined: Feb 23, 2011
    Posts: 373


    Correct, the racecar setup uses single masters, however there are two of them acuated by the same pedal.
  30. spiders web
    Joined: Jan 16, 2011
    Posts: 387

    spiders web

    Brakes are for baby's. The pedal to the right is all you need. Hammer down!!!!!!!!!!!

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