Ok, either I'm the last to know about this site, or I just stumbled onto something big. I say no more, just go here and check it out. And if this is really old news then sorry, but I've never heard of it before. http://www.classiccarsrotting.com/ccrtour2/index.html Then for kicks, look at the yard photos. Acres and acres of buried cars! http://www.classiccarsrotting.com/ccrtour2/th10374.html And if youre looking for a directory of junkyards in your neck of the woods, try this out http://www.junkyards.com/directory2/index.html
wow, cool link, many seem too far gone, kinda makes me get teary eyed.. whats cool is my salvage yard is in their index, kinda neat to see
yes, i have! lots of crazy finds there too, but mostly muscle cars, not alot of old girls, but very cool.
I live close, have driven by but never been in, they are not open weekends. from what I hear they WILL NOT sell parts, only whole cars. They charge for a "guided tour", and you can not wander around. They have the "restorable" cars out front and some look ok. G.M.B.