Steve - I just wanted to say congrats on 25 years of pro skating. You have reached levels many only hope to obtain and with style. I think its really rare in any sport to reach 25 years doing the same thing, but esp. skating, and still ripping it up. You have always been an inspiration to me and countless others and now that we have talked I know you are one of the coolest pros, no scratch that PEOPLE I have encountered. Very impressive Cab, thanks for all your contributions to the sport, and punk music. - Mike B.... sorry, if this not about Hot rods, but Cab is Hamb family as well.
Who cares if it's OT. You did your intro...Cab did his intro... No, it's cool seeing positive news come from historical figures in skating rather than negative. After seeing how Polar Bear passed, I'd figured that would be how I'd hear how most of the remaining skaters that I know or admired back in the day would start dropping off. Same goes for early punk musicians (like Stevo).
Thanks guys... means alot to me Yea, last weekend at the ASR trade show in San Diego George Powell presented me with a silver "limited edition" first prototype CAB signature deck model limited 1- 500 made for having a pro board on the same board company for 25 years... of course i got #1 these decks will be released in a few months to the public. I was very honored that night and it shows that being dedicated and loyal goes along way in this world and is very respected and appreciated. I'd have to say that was one of the greatest achievements in my whole professional skateboarding career. So thanks again and thanks for all the support all you skateboarders out there that used to skate or even still skate today... if it wasn't for all you, i would be who i am today in the skateboarding scene. best wishes and lets have some fun with cars. CAB
you deserve it Cab. Thanks again for all the positive things you have givin the skate world... "these decks will be released in a few months to the public" now, I deserve to buy myself one of those when they are out. ha,ha,ha
Besides his brilliant skatebording career,steve's band FACTION, along with others like j.f.a. and free beer always bring back good memories. I remember seeing Search for Animal Chin for the first time and deciding that Cab was a RULER because he wore a Misfits shirt. Heres to another 25 years of skating, punk rock, and rodding.
I think its great that you stayed witht he same company for your whole pro career. That kind of loyalty is not just rare in sports but in life as well. You have made a living doing what you love and you show your appreciation to the people that make that possible, the fans and the sponsors. Congrats on 25 years of rippin it up.
Dude! So cool to be appreciated by your peers! Congrats to you on the highest level! Man, When I started riding boards we we're still using Clays,(wheels) Narrow short boards. In 1975 there was a total skateboard explosion! Boards like NONA, Imp, Hobie, were the hot ticket, Skate shops were popping up everywhere as was Skate parks-places like the Pipeline in Upland,CA. Montebello Skate park, right next to the CHP office. Road Riders were the 1st urethane wheels that I remember being popular. Then came Simms,Powells,Kryptonics,Bones & the like! Guys like Stacy Peralta, & Tony Alva were getting ink in Skateboarder Mag & we just ride on any surface or pool that we could find. Then came girls,cars & life in general. I have always keep a board,(got a autographed Yater longboard now). Cab, you rock! Keep the wheels to the pavement pal, & again congrats on the achievement. Thanks again for bringing up the QC topic & I wish you well. Kevin
this is cool. Dude, i was 1 year old when you started. when i was around 13, i had cab posters all over. now im 26, and i get to read about your car. and the skate tours, and i like it. way to be a ruler Cab. trey
Wow! I really feel old. It feels like yesterday. (Actually the early 80's) We were skating the Bro' bowl and the 301 ramp back in good old Florida. Met alot of cool cats back then. Steve and Tony are the only ones I still hear about on a regular basis. Congrat's on 25 years!!!
I just saw a picture of you busting an invert on a sketchy azz Pipe in the latest transworld. Awsome, and hope fully another 25
Cab kept me out of alot of shit when I was a kid. Unfortunately there's not to many positive role models around for kids around today.
As the dad of a 10 year old skater, it is so cool to be able to reference Cab. It also helps to tell my son that Cab's on the HAMB, which makes trad rods and kustoms cooler than the dubbed out crap most Extreme sports guys drive I really admire the physical endurance you most have-skating has rocked the hell out of my knees, elbows, feet, wrists, etc. 25 years straight is crazy!
Had no idea a guy i grew up watching skate on videos and rockin his board is a member here. Anyway congrats on keeping it real!
CAB, you deserve every bit of appreciation you get. 25 years of skating, hot rods and punk rock = a life well lived, at least in my book. Growing up, CAB was a legend in the crowd I hung with. When I was about ten my mom wouldn't let me have the pair of Half-Cabs I so desperately wanted and I think I was scarred for life. Last year at Billetproof, I spent about five minutes standing right next to him, checking out his coupe and thinking 'Man, that guy looks exactly like Steve Caballero!' I wasn't on the HAMB yet and had no idea he was into hot rods, or else I'd have said something. When my dumb ass found out it really was him, it brought back memories of the traumatic childhood shoe incident [I've still never owned a pair]. Congrats!
Wow, I knew cab had been skating for a long time, but 25 years? Thats amazing. I sent you a PM a while back, dont know if you got it, but I wanted to know If you were going to release a deck with the "new" coupe on it?
Thanks again for all the kind words boys! yes... a new deck/graphic is in the process and it's going to have a Big Daddy Roth feel to it with the new gold paint scheme and my Dragon busting out the top of the coupe I'm really looking forward to this new deck graphic. best wishes, CAB
Congrats man, you've totally earned all the respect and admiration you get. Lets see if you can make it another 25 . I look foreward to seeing you at work next time the globe tour in down in Australia.
YO Cab! holy shit meng,,, congrats! now alla sudden like i feel grey hair an shit sproutin on my head
Congrats Steve It was a pleasure meeting you,while you were here! Thanx again and i hope life is treating you well PS;how the beast comin?
great to meet you and Tyson as well and thanks again for dinner... it was awesome life is amazing and it never ceases to amaze me, boy are we blessed to be alive! the beast... she's coming along just fine, Alex on the other hand... don't look so good the guy has been living at his shop, working many hours, to "git er done" for this weekend's car show ( BP). best wishes and thanks again for the support, CAB
The silver 25th anniversary "Original CAB Propeller" deck isn't available yet, but for thos interested when it's finally released here is the link to it enjoy and best wishes, CAB