www.wspa.com/news/2013/feb/07/live-now-cherokee-co-structure-sends-smoke-fl-ar-5535548 This is sad , here's the link ,
Mr. Walker is known all over South Carolina and nationwide for his collection of Studebaker's and his huge collection of parts,, I've been to his place,a friend of mine bought a 53 from him several years ago and a bunch of parts. Sad to see the place go up in smoke,,a lifetime collection. HRP
Unfortunately not all of the cars can be replaced. here is one of the trucks destroyed by the fire, a prototype 63 crewcab studebaker truck
Loosing everything to fire is a terrible ordeal, something like that you suffer the after effects for a long time. At least it sounds like no one was hurt! Hopefully in re-building the owner has all the luck there is. Doc.
No one got hurt guys. I am a member of one of the volunteer fire departments that responded. I was at my day job, I did not go to the scene. Some were insured, most were not.