I found this 1948 KB3 IHC truck this weekend. At another location I picked up a 4 ft x 5 ft IH dealership sign in mint condition and a clock in poor condition Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
1946 KB1 or 2 longbed----they make real nice rides as long as the kingpins are tight. Mine is in the avitar with a 350/350 and a 325 9" ford rearend---fast enough for me If you got it and need info on the truck Binder Books in Oregon has all the manuals and repair books you'll need. 65 HP 214ci 425 gears(some come with 510s) I drove mine for 35 years stock before I updated. If you decide to hot-rod it I have the template for the disk Cal. mount and a list of what you need to put disk brakes on the front axle
All of the IH stuff is cool,especially the clock. It shows it's age,,great find,did you get the truck? HRP
Wow, a lot of IHC fans out there. First off no I didn't get the truck. I could have got it for almost free as it is a relative who has it. As much as I like them, (we had one as our fishing at the river truck when I was a kid) I got too many projects. Mind you, if it had been a KB 1 it would be home already. There has been a lot of dancing by kids on the roof of the cab. The other problem was that I would have to take the kitchen sink. Regarding shop manuals. I have them all as my family had a dealership from 1936 to 1966. That template for the disk brake Calliper. Maybe you could do a post for the next Tech Week? I only have one more pic.