Just scored these seat's off crag list.Can any body help In what they came out of? Im thinking early 60s gm but what kind? the PO said he thought 61 to 64 Buick or Pontiac.there are no lock's on the seat back's Thank's for lookins
I'm not to good on computer's so Ive sent a picture to my buddy to post hope he has a chance to do it soon sorry guy's
Most 62-65 GM cars used those seats, the trim would tell which company I believe Corvairs were a little narrower.I have Corvair and Big car seats if you give me the width I can tell you whether they are corvair or not.I don't think there was much difference in the big seats if I remember correctly.
I was looking at corvar's on that site called e gay or something like that and thay do have the same chrome on the side's so that may be my answer
I also agree, may be Corvair. I have a pair in my convert. I think they're all the same size. The difference being the Corvair had no center console and the seats are sitting next to each other in the car. There may be a difference in the way the fold though. Mine fold straight forward. Some fold to the center. The Corvair seats had hockey stick chrome trim on the outer sides of the seats. Dom
I cant believe how fast I got the answer,The knowledge here on the HAMB is unbelievable and it's member's are the Best thank's all
I originally said 1964 Pontiac Tempest GTO. I don't believe that's correct because the '64 GTO had more roll & pleats...possibly ten altogether. The Corvair probably had fewer, maybe six as shown. The chrome side strips are very much like the '64 GTO's.
If they have chrome on both sides of the backs, They would be 64-65 A body Chevelle,GTO,442, GS etc.. Corvair had chrome on the out side and black inner metal strips. What I recall is that the Corvair was slightly wider than the A body seats? Good score!!!
Those might be from a Corvair. They look like the pair I pulled out of a junk Corvair a few winters ago. I do have the chrome hockey stick strip on the outer sides. I just don't have a pic showing that. Dom