Hey Skate Fink, You should check out Pete Millars the History of HotRod Comics. Its pretty much every Hotrod related comic Ive ever heard of and its all on one CD. Its a good aid if you are into collectin those old comics. i ordered it from his website, www.laughyerasphalt.com. Cool stuff!
I have a couple of issues of Hot Rod comics. My dad gave them to me he has had them since the 60's. Jonney
Mine are not in the best condition though. The covers on mine are ripped off, but the comic its self is still in really good condition Jonney
Why I happen to have those very same issues!! I bought them off the newsstand back in 'da day. I have a few others too. Those are extra cool. Joel
I found half a dozen at a second-hand bookshop once for .50 each They crack me up and they have some cool cars in them as well. I like how they are really big on moral's and the bad guy always goes down !
What year are those? As a kid I read a lot of comicsbut don't remember those. I was big into CAR-toons comics. I'd like to find some of them.
I have some.The best places to get them are from people that bought a collection and only care about the super hero ones and want to dump the others!I am dying to check out the comic cd but the link won't work.
Dragstrip Hotrodders, Hot Rods and Racing Cars, Hot Rod Comics, All are titles to look for. I have a few in my collection and read them over and over as a kid.
Good post,Pat... Charlton had some great titles,and even though they were considered the lowest paying company in comics (I doubt that) they had some of the finest comic artists in the biz from time to time....
Hey remember "Unk and them Varmits" Looking back there was a little clique of miscreants always hanging motors on bicycles, etc......... Now with the days of video games that gang seems to be no more....
Yeah I got a stack of them comix. Currently packed for movin' house I can't scan an' post 'em. Some issues are better than others. As the '60's rolled on the subject matter moved away from Hot Rods as such and there appeal is limited. Try findin' '50's and early '60's copies. Ebay's probably a good start, as always. Use the titles as mentioned in previous replies too. Koops.....
I have a ton of them..but all in storage since I closed the commercial studio....great stuff and great post.There were some early Hot Wheels comics done....by my fav artist..Alex Toth.....a supreme ruler.
Just this weekend I picked up a small stack of Pete Millar's Drag Toons, and a few of another I think was called Hot Rod Cartoons. Are these popular? Sought after? I was never into Cartoon magazines, only the "real" car mags. But maybe now I'll need to start a new collection.
I've got a crap load of those ol comics that I've been hording since i was a kid....cant remember where tho Heres a few that i actually found . oops i think it's sideways...LOL
Damn, do those bring back memories! A friend and I were talking about the old hot rod comic books the other day and I happened to remember that I still have a few. I'll have to dig them out, but I believe that they's all Hot Rods and Racing Cars, featuring Clint Curtis and the Road Knights... Jan