I hate you, lol. MY first car was my Dad's purchased-new, black '55 two door hardtop Belair....and like the IDIOT I was I didn't want it. I was 16 in 1970 and I wanted a van (WTF?!). You gotta remember it was just an old car in '70; the equivalent of giving a 16 year today their dad's 1998 family cruiser. I gave it back to him and he basically gave it away for $450!!! Absolutely KILLS me to this day.
1960 I bought this 40 Tudor for $125, had a warmed over flatmotor, no front seat so I used a wood & metal milk crate to sit on, that didn't work out too well!
My 50 shoebox circa 1958 ... pic taken at Peoria, IL, dragstrip way before they changed the name to Boondocks ... started me on many years of paying the Ford tax until I wised up in my geezer years. I recall that I took a rock to the park lens earlier that day.
First car I owned was a Jag. Fell in love with them at first sight in 1961 so in 1972 two weeks after getting a job after college graduation I bought a '67 Jaguar E-Type roadster.
1940 Ford Standard Coupe. Got it in 1967, drove it daily for a long time. On its fourth motor now. I really need to pay some attention to is soon, so it can do more than leak on the driveway.
1960 Ford F-100! Got into so much trouble with it Mom made me sell it after only three months. Good times!
My first car was a 55 Nomad which I got in 1978. Needed alot of work. Front seat was missing, no motor or trans,the body was multiple color. A previous owner had lowered it and put a frenched antenna near the passenger side B pillar. Took me a couple years to fix it decent. I painted it the original color, turquoise with a white top. I sold it a couple years later for 1,700 (original asking price was 4,000 and people would walk away because it was too high a price). I kick myself everyday for selling that Nomad.
First car--was a 53 Ford Vic--of course you had to change it up--Paint it all black- in and out, lowerd it, moons with rings and lots of chrome-(as mush as I could afford at $.65 per hour. We had alot of gas wars in town--you could fill up for a week end for $2.00-------Yes ---For you youngsters that was 100 years ago.
First was a 63 Volvo 554. I had 71 Plymouth Fury (this was not a cool car by any stretch), a 59 Ford F100, a 81 Ford F100, and a 78 Olds Cutlass before I got my license. When I started driving legally, it was in a 77 Chevy Blazer. What I wouldn't give to have that Blazer and the 59 Ford back. Most are off topic here but still cool cars for a kid in the early '90s.
My first car was a '65 Mustang w/ a 170 cu.in.engine and a 3 speed trans. It had 13 inch 4lug Appliance 4spoke mags. That was back in 1983. Though I have owned many,many cars since that one,I think I had the most fun I've ever had with a car when I had it.
I bought a 77 Grand Prix off a friend of the family, I was 15 and thought I was king sh*t. Messed around and put hydros in it and caught it on fire and that's how this whole fun ride started! Can't wait to see how it ends.... Well I can wait a little I guess.
First car was a 1970 olds cutlass W31. Seized engine and boxes of parts, but it had fresh red paint, black vinyl top and a 4 point roll bar. Figured out how to put it all together with a couple buddys and a stack of Hot Rod mags. Nothing like the feeling of the first time it started, or the take off from the line with 14" stock rally wheels and 4:33 posi rear! I think it was about 3800 rpm at 60 mph. Daily driven in the summer and drag raced it on the streets, sold it when I got married in '89. Now there are less than 70 left on the road. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
1971 AMC Javelin/AMX...bought it the summer between Junior and Senior Year of high school (1990)...in pieces, took 3 years to put it together and paint. been driving it ever since (painted again it about 10 years ago) then... now...
1977 my first car was a blue 55 Chrysler New Yorker 4dr, complete original car, paid 400 dollars for it.
My 1st was a 1956 chevy 2-door sedan. The year was 1967. I was 15 years old, working at the local Walgreens Drug store, after school. My boss had blown the 265 that was in the 56. He ordered a new all black (with white stripes) 4-speed Z28 camaro at the local chevy dealership, and sold me the 56 for 10 bucks ! My girlfriend's grandfather had a 4-door 57 chevy with a running 283 sitting behind his barn. He sold me the car for $50. I put the 283 in the 56, and it ran great ! Had a Lot of fun in that car.
1980 bought a 1960 4 door Galaxy (yea thats right!)from a little old lady in Marblehead ,Massachusetts .saw it in the want-adds for 800 bucks , thought I could get it for less . When I got there and saw the car,, IT WAS MINT ! 22,000 original miles,she bought it new , black with black interior. 390 hp , I paid full price and drove away with that new car grin . the old ladies name was Ruth ,and that was the cars name from then on . 18 feet long and full of power !. wish I still had it . My little brother took it out one night on a "beat run" and smashed all four corners of the car "silver curves of success" . I was beyond pissed . I didn,t talk to him for a year. I miss Ruth love those flat fins an halfmoon tail-lights . ........ps I would buy another in a minute if I could find one !
1964 Chevy C10, I still have it. I just dropped an all aluminum 5.3L LS motor in it. Its long overdue another restoration now.
Geez this sounds familiar...mine was a '53 Ford Sedan Delivery that I paid $25 bucks for it in 1967. My Dad was pissed when the car showed up in his back yard 'unannounced'. That was the start of my 'car habit' over 45 years ago.....
My first car (that I owned ) was a '75 Chevy Nova Custom W 350 auto, I bought for $800.00 in 1978. My dad bought it new in '74 he sold it to me because he wanted a Lincoln instead. I promptly took the tranny out of it and wound up selling it for $1100.00.
76 AMC Hornet, 4 door, baby blue, with a 258 cu in 6 cylinder. Something like this: <a href="http://s1020.beta.photobucket.com/user/crazycracker289/media/011976AMCHornet_zps1560d84c.jpg.html" target="_blank"></a>
First "car" was a 68 Barracuda 440/727/8.75, but that was not my first "vehicle" that would have been a 77 Jeep CJ5 which I still own today.
62 F250 longbed stepside. I was 12...my dad put a 350 Buick, th400 in it with the stock 4.88 geared Dana 60! Never drove it, played with it for a year and gave it to my brother so I could build a 71 Cutlass. One of these days I will have another 61-64 ford truck! Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
First car I owned was a 40's sadface passed down from my brothers. First one I paid for was a 64 Impala SS that my uncle repo'd at his shop and let me buy for $400. Sold it to a friend in HS so I could buy my neighbors 66 Chevelle SS. My brother had a nice 66 post car. Never got pictures of the 64 unless I wanted the Sheriff photos of it on blocks and stripped after it was stolen. Shortly after the madness began with sometimes owning a car for just a week or two. First street rod build was my 37 Chevy that I turned into a rumbleseat coupe.
1958 Ford. A neighbor gave it to me when I was 14. Straight 6 needed a head gasket, my dad figured I'd never get it running. Replaced the head gasket (who needs a torque wrench?) Tried to start it it but didn't know about firing order. (All I'd ever worked on were my mini-bike briggs) Neighbor got the firing order right, pushed it with his old truck and it started! Dad wouldn't let me keep it at home. Parked it at a neighbor's farm on Friday, went to get it on Saturday and the front brake hoses had been cut (thanks, dad!) No floor jack or solid surface to put one on, so it got scrapped. 45 years and a bunch of toys later I ended up up with "Suzey" my '56 Fairlane. I'm normally a GM guy but the '56 has to be the best looking car Detroit produced in the 50's!