have a sbc on the test stand, battery turns it over but is too weak to get strong spark from the hei, so hook up the battery charger and set it to "engine start" setting and the pinion meshes with the ring gear and freezes up, wont turn over engine and it stays engaged with the ring gear... Is there a problem with the solenoid? What else could I check to get the engine to turn over? It turns over if I hook up the jump box but not with the higher amperage of the plug in battery charger????
Sounds like either you have a dirty connection or the battery is drawing to much of the charger. Try getting a known good battery, clean all of your connections, and try again.
the starter will disengage when to use only the battery and when you use the jump box but sticks if you use your charger set on boost?
I agree, start with the first known problem and go from there. If you need a jump pack or charger then your battery is probably junk.
if I remember right, there should be like a paper clip wire diameter width between the "peak" of the pinion gear and the "valley" of the ring gear, is that right??
Yes, but apparently a battery charger will though. Should he shim for : A. A charger on boost B. A jump box C. A good battery. Oh and by the way, it seems to be correctly shimmed for a jump box now because it turns over with one. Did you read his post Tommy? I hope you guys see this post of mine for what it is
The battery is definately junk...I will change that- am still going to check the clearance on the starter ring/pinion while it is on the stand though...
Yes I did and I stand by my opinion that a battery will not cause the bendix to lock up in the flywheel.
the plug in battery charger does not have more amperage than a good jump box. first rule for diagnosing electrical problems; good battery, good ground. battery is no good change it, then see what happens.