This mostly pertains to spraying clear over a Rustoleum type paint job. I was in at the local farm store and saw they offer a clear to go over their truck/equipment paint . Majic was the brand, anyone tried this and had good results with the clear? It came in a gallon container to be sprayed from a gun.
I haven't tried it but if it is lacquer I'll just about bet that it will make the rustoleom lift. Also you should see what it is supposed to go over. A lot of implement paint is epoxy or single stage enamel. Rustoleom I believe is oil based.
The solvents in lacquer are hotter than any enamel. It WILL lift and wrinkle it. Try finding some rattle cans in lacquer.
I did a beer refrig for a guy and did some Rustoleum flat black flames on the sides. Cleared it w/ lacquer and it bubbled, just lifted. Did it over and shot it with clear enamel and it held.
I think that is clear enamel. Tractor Supply stuff. Have not used the new line of paints. Bought a bunch of the old stuff when they did 1/2 price close out sale. Not my favorite, but it works on junk around the farm. Just looked, It says lacquer on can also says it is oil based enamel, and it works over enamel paint? Link:
It'll be a shiny and expensive paint remover if it's really lacquer. Now if you want a wrinkle finish, use a real fast dry solvent and spray it light and dry. It'll look like valve covers...
It specificially said "lacquer clear" to go over THEIR enamal paint. I wasn't saying or didn't mean to come across for rustoleum brand, only the type of paint. Maybe theirs is differant and the clear will work. I didn't read the whole label about prep and all and it's not listed on their website yet, the spray instructions says over their paint thats cured for 7 days. Here's the aerosol version, same thing says lacquer over enamal? Maybe it's some kinda misprint or something. Anyway, what I saw is linked to in post #5.
I would be very leery of trying to spray lacquer over any type of enamel;no matter what the can says.Re-coating over rattle can paints is a crap shoot at best;even with the same paint.I've used many different types of rattle can paint and have yet to successfully re-coat them let alone clear coat. The problem seems to be that the solvents used are very aggressive to ensure a good initial bond and that creates havoc when re-coating.A better solution would be to find a friendly body shop and ask them if they could clear coat your project when they are using some and have a bit left over.By dusting a couple of coats on and waiting about 15 min between before wet coating it shouldn't be a problem.
crack the can open and see what it smells like, should be able to tell real quick if its lacquer or oil bases. the label is misleading saying its oil based lacquer. if you are putting it over their brand paint it shouldnt be a problem .
Hey, " lacquer clear " & " clear lacquer '' ain't the same thing As has been mentioned, the acetone, and ketone solvents used to thin lacquer based paint would disolve the alkyd resin binder, and cause the job to lift or fail in short order. The '' clear '' used by Majic is '' probably '' alkyd based, and uses solvents that are like and kind to their base colours. You can improve the gloss, and colour holdout on alkyd based finishes with the addition of a hardner, as always, READ and HEED all health warrnings ! In the '' good old days '' as my old man was always fond of sayin', we'd intermix the early urethane hardners into the alkyd for a kinda '' poormans urethane " " Do not reach greedily for the Kool-Aid "
more of a question than an answer... i've shot plenty of lacquer based primers over enamel, first coat is light, second coat goes on thick, wouldn't this concept be the same with the clear?
But did you scuff the surface prior to shooting the primer? I would think if you did then you would likely be inviting the paint to lift.And if you didn't I would worry about adhesion later on down the road.As was stated before the problem is the aggressive solvents attacking the underlayer of paint.
From the spec from that link it states as an oil based clear, so surely that would spray over the Alkyd rustoleum? Application - Apply over properly cured Majic Tractor, Truck & Implement Enamel Color - Clear Finish - High Gloss Package Size - 1 Gal. Package Type - Can Type - Oil-Based Warranty - Limited Brand - Majic®
Yea guys I walked thru the paint isle too fast LOL. All that caught my eye was the lacquer even though now it looks like it's alkyd oil based. I don't understand why you guys comment it couldn't be sprayed?
I just went to the paint companies website. That appears to be the same as the old Dupont centauri. They list a catalyst for it. The fumes from that are what is going to kill you. Any clear that is compatible with this paint will have to be the same type of enamel. Any lacquer based paint will not be compatible. Is there a reason you don't want to put just the color on?
I sprayed some of that "western automotive finishes" clear over some rattle can paint from home depot.I forget what brand the rattle can was,but it came out nice and did not wrinkle..(but this was on a bike frame)