I don't. Know what the hecks going on.... half of the posts with pics come up with these blue boxes with question marks! is it me? Am I doing something wrong? Heard a rumor that photobucket did it. But it's feeling kinda personal. so is it ALWAYS gunna be like this cause that would suck! sorry just had to rant! Now back to your regular scheduled programming.
The 'new and improved' Photobucket of which they are so proud sucks a big one. Takes hours to load my library. If it ain't broke don't fix it applies. I am looking for an alternative free photo hosting service that will interact with iPhoto and allow me to direct import my library from Photofuck'dIt....
It sucks so bad that when I asked them for help on a few things, they got back to me, that those features were gone and they were working on getting them back on the new site. How the F do you release a new product that's not finished yet????
Use Imageshack. Its simple for retards like me. As for your C.S.S. That's nothing. Wait until C.R.S. (can't remember shit) hits you. Its a lot worse.
Why not use the manage attachment file to post your pictures???.... You could also save the photo file in your favorites.... Like I do...
The problem with photos on any photo host is that if you alter them in any way the image is lost here on the Hamb. That and a lot of the missing photos are in threads that are several years old and the guys have long since deleted them from their Photobucket albums because they didn't want to have to pay for a Pro account to put more photos on it. I'll agree 100% that the new Improved? Photobucket sucks a big one though. I've yet to figure out how to load up more than one photo at a time and when you do get them in an album the order in the album changes every time you open it.
I HATE the new Photobucket format. It takes forever to find one of your pictures, and if you are posting something and want to post a picture that was found next to it the thing goes back to the top of the page and you have to start all over again. I am going to start looking for a new one to replace it, just have to do some research first. They really screwed up when they made this change. Don
for uploading a few photos to be seen on Hamb, just use go advanced and manage attachments. If you want to save hundreds of photos on the 'net, you can buy a domain name and gigabites of storage for about $120 a year from several hosts. If that is too much, get together with a few friends and share it. Each of you can have a separate "file" on the domain. I never liked photobucket, after a few years the photos become red Xs, you see this a lot in old threads.
Another one Photobucket sucking the big one. I can't even upload pics anymore and according to them my system is out of date......and I have a mac. To hell with them.
I agree all the new stuff they're trying to funnel you into on P Bucket is'B S. I went thru and marked all my albums "private" so they won't put my stuff on Face Book when they want to. If you notice they seem to now have developed ties to F B and Twitter, etc. They have already posted my stuff without my knowledge onto F B twice. I didn't know it until a friend said "good pics of your car"........I said Huh? I didnt post any....but they were there. Their revised User Agreement probably says in the small print they can do that. Hardly any of my recent pics have gone into the album I wanted them to. I also use Snapfish....but it's not quite as handy as the old Bucket was. One post I found said this......I don't know if it's true.....but it may be. photobucket now owns all your images Mar 8, 2006 this is why i dont like putting my pro stuff online: "User Content" means any videos, photographs, images text, graphics, news articles, charts, presentations, communications photographs, illustrations text, graphics, news articles, charts, presentations or other materials provided by you to Photobucket.com. Photobucket.com does not claim ownership rights in any User Content. In order for Photobucket.com to permit you to use the Services, you grant to Photobucket.com a perpetual, universal, non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, license to use, copy, distribute, modify, print, display and otherwise exploit in any manner any User Content and to enable third parties to use the Services to do the same. there's more here: http://www.photobucket.com/terms.php So I think I'll check around.
I got a reply message back asking if they had given an answer to my question. My reply was "No, the new system still sucks !" I haven't got a reply back on that one yet...lol
When you marked them public it means just that. They can and will be made public any time. They sure don't have to tell you when and where. You gave them permission already.