I was helping clean out a friend's building and we found these seats. They had been in an attic for 50+ years. They look to have original fabric on them. They have a cool double button stitch pattern. Can anyone ID them for me. Thanks. Carmak craig.cermak@civco.com
I had a set that came out of a 1926 buick 2 door sedan that looked pretty close. I don't have them anymore to compare.
I looked up some 26 Buicks and they don't look right either. What is unique is that the backs and side of the top go all the way down and form the hinge. Carmak
look alot like my '34 Plymouth coupe seats except that mine have the hinge on the bottom front so the whole seat tips forward when getting into the back. The hinge style on those is similar to the hinge style on my '39 Ply bench with a split back (2 door sedan). So maybe some where between '34 and '39 Ply, Dodge would be my guess. Kipp
Chevy had jump seats like that, I had some from a '37 2 door sedan, but I don't think they hinged like that.