Say Hey all, Dave Heston Ashland, Ohio. Been reading the site off and on for years, finally decided to join up. Some may know me from Gas F-X, 39 Chevy gasser "WARHAMMER", vet's teibute car themed. Moved here from West Texas two years ago, grew up in Mansfield, Ohio. Lot's more going on here, especially in the gasser arena, rarely seen in West Texas. Attended the Cleveland show Friday, great show, some great looking gassers there. Had seen pics of Mick Hale's WARLOCK before but it was a treat to see that beauty in person, wish I could have located him to introduce myself but I did steal a pic of the car. Have made a few shows since we moved back including the Blue Suede Cruise where I blew my Stroker engine last summer. Back together now so all is good except my wallet which is about 4 grand lighter. Hoping to make Bowling Green and Thompson shows this year and definitely the BSC again. Anyway, glad to be on board. Will use the 39 as my avatar as soon as I get the time to figure out how to do it. Later!
Hey Dave, sorry I missed you. I'll be at Thompson, Blue Suede Cruise and a few others, stop by the pits.
Thanks all, somebody import some heat around here, my car's feeling totally ignored. Don't want her to do something bad to me - again.
Ardyboy, love those 33's, my all time favorite car. Sure would like to see her in person sometime, thanks.