need help to what to use ....have a 50 ford 2 door that needs a frame swap to a modern frame.... what have you used? how bout an s10? or other 70s 0r 80s gm cars? need 114 wheel base.
I'm about half way through a frame swap. I put a 50 chev on a '95 s10. Not too hard, The wheelbase, rear kickup, and steering is what you need to watch. I have to run a 27 x 15 radiator because the steering box is huge, and in front of the A arms. Wheelbase wise. Mine was within a 1/4 inch. If your wheelbase is off, you can adjust that with a 4-link. I'll be doing that when I bag it. I had to cut 2 8" x 4" channels due to the kick up. It's under the seat, so no biggy. One additional perk with swap that I found later was the front track. It's almost 2 inches narrower, which will make driving it lowered that much easier.
I'm using an S10 frame under my 50 Dodge, the wheel base of the long bed is 118" and my Dodge is 116", but after cutting up the rear to bag it I dont think it will matter much. I did see a Dodge Dakota frame used under a 50 Ford but it was just the front clip and the rear was made out of 2x3 tubing.