OK so after I build my bubble top roth car, hemi sedan, dragula, and Winged Express replica, (not so much in that order, and that doesnt count the bikes i wanna build!) I plan on building a Woody, let see some pics of really cool woodys!!!!!!! and no not the kind in your pants. i mean cars. woodys give me a woody....... -Rob
I dont care what y'all say this thing is NEAT and id cruise it its on ebay right now.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Othe...iewItemQQcategoryZ6472QQitemZ4576138069QQrdZ1
Your bobber gave me a woodie and you go and sell the fuckin thing! anyways here: http://wackydave.fotki.com/woodies/woodies_sorted_by_make/
Why is it I suspect that first one could be had a lot cheaper than this one? There's been several of these shoebox woodies featured in the magazines the last few months, from mild, to chopped, to a full on drag car with the rear quarters shortened a bit.
Rob If your interested, I am a member of the local chapter of the national woodie club... (The penns woods chapter serves pa, nj and de.) heres some pics from a tour we had 2 falls ago.. http://public.fotki.com/sawzallshop/some_photos_from/covered_bridge_tour/ were having another (in the allentown, pa area) the weekend after hershey.. and of course the toms river, NJ show I attended last year.. (i missed it this summer) http://public.fotki.com/sawzallshop/some_photos_from/penns_wood_chapter/ lastly a pic of my wagon from this week I am also working on some other pieces of wood for the doors...
It's a phantom, I know I've GOT a woody to build a 34 woody similar out of a 4dr or sedan & the 32 fold down w/s, only I can't find a pic of it with the w/s up and not sure if it might look a little fonky. ......except in a highboy, FTF. The mint green one is a little too homemade'y looking, and might be the first set of billet wheels ever posted on the hamb, LOL. The yella one is badass though
Black, maple & mahogany, chuck the Coddingtons and put some American 5 spokes on it and it's perfect. Then build the same with a '39 Deluxe.
Hey Graverobber -- Nice photo. I've put a lot miles on over the years with those two guys on either side of me. Did an 800 mile trip last weekend to Wavecrest and the Outrider Picnic. Woodies make great drivers -- we usually wind up haulin' all the roadster guys' luggage.
Here is mine, I had to sell it to get that Astra coupe. I only had it about two weeks and then needed to the dough for the other one. Could have been cool.