Okay, so I recently bought a 59 Pontiac wagon to build a cruiser out of. It's in pretty decent shape and is very complete. I also got a 59 4 door flat top that is on the canadian chassis with the chevy drivetrain. Also a complete car, so out of the two, I pretty much have all that I need. That being said, I know the U.S. spec cars had some funky Pontiac only stuff going on underneath, and had the ever famous "Wide Track". I plan to bag this thing so my question is, would it be possible to use the frame and suspension from under the 4 door, or possibly just bolt up the canadian spec "chevy" parts on this frame? I won't pick the car up until I'm home on leave, so I haven't had the chance to inspect it for myself. The chevy stuff is more readily available and with the wider stace, wheel choices get pretty "narrow"!! Anybody know if this is do-able? Or will I be having to hunt down a chevy wagon frame??
The 2 cars are different. As far as I know the frames are completely different and nothing will interchange. Good Luck KK
im sure if you find more than 20 pieces. on the chevy(canada build) that will fit the pontiac you be lucky .not cunting bolts and nuts .crome parts can fit but only small pontiac cheftain and catalina.this is the way the did it from 55-57 sure many years later.compare the wheelbase then you see the made a good copy of a nice car. frame is a chevy on canada build. nothing will fit this is a lighter and cheeper car. ken sweden
I just read through 15959nomad,s build thread and he set his on a 61 4 door sedan frame so I know it can be done! I'll get the low rider "wrap" panels and add some stiffening plates but this does give me some hope! But I'll still be on the lookout for a different wagon chassis
, but was his a chevy to chevy? american pontiac frame is completely different... that said, if you are a fabricator you can make it work, you'll need to get lots of measurements off the pontiac, the am. wagon wheelbase is 122 inches, and all 59-64 chevy (including the canadian pontiacs) have an x frame that is basically the same with a 119 inch wheelbase. imo probably easier to fab up a newer suspension on the pontiac, rather than trying to make the smaller narrower chevy frame work. - body mounts, bumper mounts,lengthening and general fitment all things to consider.
JonZ, that's definitely something to think about! In all honesty, I haven't even seen the damn thing yet. I'll be home from Afghanistan in 3 weeks and once I pick up the cars, I'll have a better understanding. A rear end swap is an easy deal, its more the front end that I'm curious about. A little time with a tape measure and I'll have a better understanding.
I am kinda in the same boat... I just got a 60 bonneville, and the p.o. had cut the front off the frame and installed a "fatman" suspension, and a ford 9" w/ a 4 link... I got the original chunk of frame back without the new parts (not part of the sale), and now I am reverse engineering a short catalina frame (2 inch difference) to work on my bonneville.... pretty much all they did with the front was cut the frame infront of the body mounts, install some 2X4 tubing and weld up the "fatman" stuff to it.
Yep - two very different animals I'm afraid. I got mint front panels from a Canadian cheviac to put on my USA 62 Bonneville. Painted them all up, got excited......then they didn't quite fit....... Just bag the Pontiac frame and be happy!!!
Looks like that's what I'm gonna have to do! I'll pull the frame out from under the wagon anyway, and I'll get a better idea on what I need to do. I'm doing an ls motor anyway, so it'll be easier without the body in the way.